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Sent From (Definite): unknownSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 23 Sep 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
23 Sep 1911
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
I have delayed answering your last letter of Sep. 8[?]th as you said you would not be home till [the] 23rd.
I have sent the photos of “Fly” to the man Williams (whose letter I enclose) but they were not very good as the focus was too near, or rather not near enough.
The Bull-Terriers eyes are of normal size [illeg.] the area of lids is small. I have asked those who keep them and they say they believe their eyes are of normal size. The man offered to give me a bull-terrier, but when I told him I wanted it for its eyes he said- “it was too fond for that.[“] However I will try and get an eye in 10% formaline.
Labrador Retrievers have as I said yellow irises. This in not breeders’ selection because they cross them with our flat-coated Retrievers to get the hazel eye. Yellow eyes are never fancied as they are starry[?] and give a somewhat cruel expression.
I was curious that the black dog should have a light yellow iris and white dogs nearly always a darker hazel iris. I do not see any trace of wolf[?] in Labradors. They are just like our Retrievers only with a smooth coat and this yellow eye.
Yrs truly,
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
23 Sep 1911
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
I have delayed answering your last letter of Sep. 8[?]th as you said you would not be home till [the] 23rd.
I have sent the photos of “Fly” to the man Williams (whose letter I enclose) but they were not very good as the focus was too near, or rather not near enough.
The Bull-Terriers eyes are of normal size [illeg.] the area of lids is small. I have asked those who keep them and they say they believe their eyes are of normal size. The man offered to give me a bull-terrier, but when I told him I wanted it for its eyes he said- “it was too fond for that.[“] However I will try and get an eye in 10% formaline.
Labrador Retrievers have as I said yellow irises. This in not breeders’ selection because they cross them with our flat-coated Retrievers to get the hazel eye. Yellow eyes are never fancied as they are starry[?] and give a somewhat cruel expression.
I was curious that the black dog should have a light yellow iris and white dogs nearly always a darker hazel iris. I do not see any trace of wolf[?] in Labradors. They are just like our Retrievers only with a smooth coat and this yellow eye.
Yrs truly,