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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 22 Sep 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
22 Sep 1912
‘My dear Nettleship,
I am still delayed here owing to the illness of one of my bairns. Many thanks for all your information as to the dogs. I am now in correspondence with a lady at Lambourne who will take puppies at 2/6 each a week. I hope it will work. I enclose photographs [two enclosed] of this litter & you will see why I want to keep them.
Taking the three black bitches; on the left we have Mor dhu, a very small & perfect little dog, she has only a small patch of white on under part of chest invisible as she runs[?] and a good black coat. In the middle we have Celis dhu with a large white patch on chest & her coat a rather rusty black, like a poor black Pom, it may change when she gets her adult coat (the patch on her head is a flow in the printing paper. On right is Siné dhu, white chest & white paw. Mentally (or shall I say psychically?) Celis & Siné are pems & Mor dhu a Pekinese, graceful & dainty in feeding & with a Pek’s leg action. In the second photograph to the left is Donnach madh, the only dog in the litter, a red dog with black markings & a most beautiful dog. His sister Giorsal madh is an equally grand dog, & we ought to breed from these two & see if this type of dog can be segregated out. Usher has only had rusty black, none of them beautiful browns yet. In the middle is the one albino Mor bhan, a voracious rather ugly dog, with a Pom tail[?], & a long nose, (much foreshortened in a photograph!) sixteen puppies two albino coats & three albino eyes is the present ratio, there should have been eight albino coats & eight with albino eyes. You can calculate the gigantic odds against Mendelian halves! On the other hand if you like the vaguest categories you can call the three dogs of one photograph black (1.DD + 2.DR!) and the three dogs of the other photograph Pekinese (because they are not black!), and there you are – the Mendelian half at once! I think Galton’s reversion to ancestry will numerically explain just as well the appearance of red dogs. Unfortunately we have as yet no male black of this generation.
I hope to get home this week, but my eldest daughter has been ill & we don’t quite know what is the matter.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
22 Sep 1912
‘My dear Nettleship,
I am still delayed here owing to the illness of one of my bairns. Many thanks for all your information as to the dogs. I am now in correspondence with a lady at Lambourne who will take puppies at 2/6 each a week. I hope it will work. I enclose photographs [two enclosed] of this litter & you will see why I want to keep them.
Taking the three black bitches; on the left we have Mor dhu, a very small & perfect little dog, she has only a small patch of white on under part of chest invisible as she runs[?] and a good black coat. In the middle we have Celis dhu with a large white patch on chest & her coat a rather rusty black, like a poor black Pom, it may change when she gets her adult coat (the patch on her head is a flow in the printing paper. On right is Siné dhu, white chest & white paw. Mentally (or shall I say psychically?) Celis & Siné are pems & Mor dhu a Pekinese, graceful & dainty in feeding & with a Pek’s leg action. In the second photograph to the left is Donnach madh, the only dog in the litter, a red dog with black markings & a most beautiful dog. His sister Giorsal madh is an equally grand dog, & we ought to breed from these two & see if this type of dog can be segregated out. Usher has only had rusty black, none of them beautiful browns yet. In the middle is the one albino Mor bhan, a voracious rather ugly dog, with a Pom tail[?], & a long nose, (much foreshortened in a photograph!) sixteen puppies two albino coats & three albino eyes is the present ratio, there should have been eight albino coats & eight with albino eyes. You can calculate the gigantic odds against Mendelian halves! On the other hand if you like the vaguest categories you can call the three dogs of one photograph black (1.DD + 2.DR!) and the three dogs of the other photograph Pekinese (because they are not black!), and there you are – the Mendelian half at once! I think Galton’s reversion to ancestry will numerically explain just as well the appearance of red dogs. Unfortunately we have as yet no male black of this generation.
I hope to get home this week, but my eldest daughter has been ill & we don’t quite know what is the matter.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson