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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 20 Nov 1910
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
20 Nov 1910
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
Foramen ovale in pups.
I have looked at 12 hearts, including the 5 pups of Buna dhu (28th Oct./12) & 2 pups of Yfa dhu (1 Nov./12). In 10 the foramen ovale is patent[?]. The 2 pups in which it was closed were 11 days & 2 ½ months old. From the appearance of the patent foramen ovale in some instances at any rate I should suppose it quite possible that it is really mechanically closed during life by blood pressure altho it is not organically closed.
Is the foramen ovale closed at birth in normal pups?
C.B. [illeg.] thank you for your list.
McLeod of McLeod. Yes, you sent what you had got some time ago. From peerage books the tree was traced back some way but nothing was done by me in trying to get at living members. I notice that in what you send now a note “from Burke’s landed gentry of Gt. Britain (1906) p. 1100” in which “it appears that: - I was the 21st chief b.1788...; his mother was Anne daughter of John Stephenson of Kent.” I have it that this Anne was his wife (not mother). His mother was Sarah Stackhouse. I shall, of course, look this matter up again when I get that length. Don’t bother about this point at the moment, for probably you have now given me both your copies & are left with your original notes only.
Did I say that the albino baby which had a retinoscopy done at age of 2 days developed nystagmus some time ago & the doctor thinks that he (! she) will not live!
Yrs sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
20 Nov 1910
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
Foramen ovale in pups.
I have looked at 12 hearts, including the 5 pups of Buna dhu (28th Oct./12) & 2 pups of Yfa dhu (1 Nov./12). In 10 the foramen ovale is patent[?]. The 2 pups in which it was closed were 11 days & 2 ½ months old. From the appearance of the patent foramen ovale in some instances at any rate I should suppose it quite possible that it is really mechanically closed during life by blood pressure altho it is not organically closed.
Is the foramen ovale closed at birth in normal pups?
C.B. [illeg.] thank you for your list.
McLeod of McLeod. Yes, you sent what you had got some time ago. From peerage books the tree was traced back some way but nothing was done by me in trying to get at living members. I notice that in what you send now a note “from Burke’s landed gentry of Gt. Britain (1906) p. 1100” in which “it appears that: - I was the 21st chief b.1788...; his mother was Anne daughter of John Stephenson of Kent.” I have it that this Anne was his wife (not mother). His mother was Sarah Stackhouse. I shall, of course, look this matter up again when I get that length. Don’t bother about this point at the moment, for probably you have now given me both your copies & are left with your original notes only.
Did I say that the albino baby which had a retinoscopy done at age of 2 days developed nystagmus some time ago & the doctor thinks that he (! she) will not live!
Yrs sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’