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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 27 Feb 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
27 Feb 1913
‘My dear Nettleship,
The dog Mor bahn will be sent through tomorrow (Friday) in a hamper from Langdon Road. Great Western to Haslemere via Reading. She is an “extracted” albino & it will be of great interest to know whether she will breed true. She has an ugly head but is rather a fine dog. I am sending her rather early as one is not quite clear as to the length of heat in a young bitch of 9 months.
The key will be forwarded with the basket you will please let me have all details of cost & I will send a cheque. I am awfully sorry to bother you in the matter, but it is owing to difficulties about Wee Ling, he is such a friend of my family that they can’t stand my parting with him & I have no albino dog that I can use at present.
I think it will be best to have Mor bahn to Hampstead for a but when you have done with her. I hope you will get her at the right time, but Miss Stanton is a [sic] I expect rather a novice in dog breeding.
All your data & letters to hand. Your M.S. to press, but I have still got to complete ‘lists’ etc & incorporate all Usher’s mass of data.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.
Perhaps Mor bahn could come up some day when you come to town & I could have you met at Waterloo?’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
27 Feb 1913
‘My dear Nettleship,
The dog Mor bahn will be sent through tomorrow (Friday) in a hamper from Langdon Road. Great Western to Haslemere via Reading. She is an “extracted” albino & it will be of great interest to know whether she will breed true. She has an ugly head but is rather a fine dog. I am sending her rather early as one is not quite clear as to the length of heat in a young bitch of 9 months.
The key will be forwarded with the basket you will please let me have all details of cost & I will send a cheque. I am awfully sorry to bother you in the matter, but it is owing to difficulties about Wee Ling, he is such a friend of my family that they can’t stand my parting with him & I have no albino dog that I can use at present.
I think it will be best to have Mor bahn to Hampstead for a but when you have done with her. I hope you will get her at the right time, but Miss Stanton is a [sic] I expect rather a novice in dog breeding.
All your data & letters to hand. Your M.S. to press, but I have still got to complete ‘lists’ etc & incorporate all Usher’s mass of data.
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.
Perhaps Mor bahn could come up some day when you come to town & I could have you met at Waterloo?’