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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 10 May 1910
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
10 May 1910
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
... [re: photographs of Norwegian hares]...
Yesterday some albino notes with three very good photos of Chinese albinos arrived from Hankow from Dr Skinner. I sent them all, at once, to K.P.
Souter wrote to Skinner some months ago asking for albino information & gave him an idea of what was wanted. Skinner has gone into the matter wholesale & has sent to a number of people in China a paper with printed questions etc:
At the foot of this paper, & this is what I am leading up to, he brings in something which leads one to suppose that these papers have been sent out by him certainly, but that the enquiry is being made by the Ophthalm. Soc. (London). This is very annoying. I have asked Souter about it & he says he cannot understand how he invented this pary, for he (Souter) simply told Skinner that I (C.H.U.) with others in London were working at albinism and wanted information from China.
Souter has written to tell him of his error. I don’t suppose any real harm had been done, none the less it is nasty.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
10 May 1910
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
... [re: photographs of Norwegian hares]...
Yesterday some albino notes with three very good photos of Chinese albinos arrived from Hankow from Dr Skinner. I sent them all, at once, to K.P.
Souter wrote to Skinner some months ago asking for albino information & gave him an idea of what was wanted. Skinner has gone into the matter wholesale & has sent to a number of people in China a paper with printed questions etc:
At the foot of this paper, & this is what I am leading up to, he brings in something which leads one to suppose that these papers have been sent out by him certainly, but that the enquiry is being made by the Ophthalm. Soc. (London). This is very annoying. I have asked Souter about it & he says he cannot understand how he invented this pary, for he (Souter) simply told Skinner that I (C.H.U.) with others in London were working at albinism and wanted information from China.
Souter has written to tell him of his error. I don’t suppose any real harm had been done, none the less it is nasty.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’