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Date: From 1908 to 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Created by
Edward Nettleship
From 1908 to 1912
‘As to Frequency of Albinism in China.
Doctors Name: E. Margaret Phillips. B.Sc. M.B.ChB.
Town and Province: Pingyen, Shantung.
Number of years hospital practice in China: 5 years
Number of different hospital patients seen in 1909: 3,000
How many cases of Albinism seen in hospital work? None
How many elsewhere? None.
Any cases heard of? One heard of in village 3 miles away (a female). Said to be not extremely uncommon here, though the sufferers remain in seclusion at home.
Have the Chinese any name for Albinism? If so what? [m.s. Chinese characters], Pai Kuán Tzŭ
Have the Chinese any idea as to the cause of A.? The Chinese attribute it to some disease or weakness of the mother during pregnancy.
Have you had the opportunity of questioning and examining any case of A.? (If so, please give details under B.) No
Have any cases of pied Albinism or other deficiency of pigmentation come under your notice? We frequently notice here slighter degrees of deficiency of pigmentation, i.e. light brown instead of black hair.
Can you procure photographs of any cases of deficient or anomalous pigmentation? No
1. Questions.
Photograph: (Alongside a normal native.)
Please post at your early convenience to Dr. McAll, or to Dr. A. H. Skinner, Hankow.'
[in Usher’s hand: ‘Received from A.H.S. Nov. 7. 1910. Aberdeen.’]
Created by
Karl Pearson
From 1908 to 1912
‘As to Frequency of Albinism in China.
Doctors Name: E. Margaret Phillips. B.Sc. M.B.ChB.
Town and Province: Pingyen, Shantung.
Number of years hospital practice in China: 5 years
Number of different hospital patients seen in 1909: 3,000
How many cases of Albinism seen in hospital work? None
How many elsewhere? None.
Any cases heard of? One heard of in village 3 miles away (a female). Said to be not extremely uncommon here, though the sufferers remain in seclusion at home.
Have the Chinese any name for Albinism? If so what? [m.s. Chinese characters], Pai Kuán Tzŭ
Have the Chinese any idea as to the cause of A.? The Chinese attribute it to some disease or weakness of the mother during pregnancy.
Have you had the opportunity of questioning and examining any case of A.? (If so, please give details under B.) No
Have any cases of pied Albinism or other deficiency of pigmentation come under your notice? We frequently notice here slighter degrees of deficiency of pigmentation, i.e. light brown instead of black hair.
Can you procure photographs of any cases of deficient or anomalous pigmentation? No
1. Questions.
Photograph: (Alongside a normal native.)
Please post at your early convenience to Dr. McAll, or to Dr. A. H. Skinner, Hankow.'
[in Usher’s hand: ‘Received from A.H.S. Nov. 7. 1910. Aberdeen.’]
Created by
Ethel Margaret Phillips
From 1908 to 1912
‘As to Frequency of Albinism in China.
Doctors Name: E. Margaret Phillips. B.Sc. M.B.ChB.
Town and Province: Pingyen, Shantung.
Number of years hospital practice in China: 5 years
Number of different hospital patients seen in 1909: 3,000
How many cases of Albinism seen in hospital work? None
How many elsewhere? None.
Any cases heard of? One heard of in village 3 miles away (a female). Said to be not extremely uncommon here, though the sufferers remain in seclusion at home.
Have the Chinese any name for Albinism? If so what? [m.s. Chinese characters], Pai Kuán Tzŭ
Have the Chinese any idea as to the cause of A.? The Chinese attribute it to some disease or weakness of the mother during pregnancy.
Have you had the opportunity of questioning and examining any case of A.? (If so, please give details under B.) No
Have any cases of pied Albinism or other deficiency of pigmentation come under your notice? We frequently notice here slighter degrees of deficiency of pigmentation, i.e. light brown instead of black hair.
Can you procure photographs of any cases of deficient or anomalous pigmentation? No
1. Questions.
Photograph: (Alongside a normal native.)
Please post at your early convenience to Dr. McAll, or to Dr. A. H. Skinner, Hankow.'
[in Usher’s hand: ‘Received from A.H.S. Nov. 7. 1910. Aberdeen.’]
Created by
Charles Howard Usher
From 1908 to 1912
‘As to Frequency of Albinism in China.
Doctors Name: E. Margaret Phillips. B.Sc. M.B.ChB.
Town and Province: Pingyen, Shantung.
Number of years hospital practice in China: 5 years
Number of different hospital patients seen in 1909: 3,000
How many cases of Albinism seen in hospital work? None
How many elsewhere? None.
Any cases heard of? One heard of in village 3 miles away (a female). Said to be not extremely uncommon here, though the sufferers remain in seclusion at home.
Have the Chinese any name for Albinism? If so what? [m.s. Chinese characters], Pai Kuán Tzŭ
Have the Chinese any idea as to the cause of A.? The Chinese attribute it to some disease or weakness of the mother during pregnancy.
Have you had the opportunity of questioning and examining any case of A.? (If so, please give details under B.) No
Have any cases of pied Albinism or other deficiency of pigmentation come under your notice? We frequently notice here slighter degrees of deficiency of pigmentation, i.e. light brown instead of black hair.
Can you procure photographs of any cases of deficient or anomalous pigmentation? No
1. Questions.
Photograph: (Alongside a normal native.)
Please post at your early convenience to Dr. McAll, or to Dr. A. H. Skinner, Hankow.'
[in Usher’s hand: ‘Received from A.H.S. Nov. 7. 1910. Aberdeen.’]