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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 23 Jan 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
23 Jan 1911
‘Dear Pearson,
Low got part of the head (Tong) & at least 1 olfactory tract. He says that it looked well developed, & he made a sketch of it & is microscoping [sic] it.
What a charming photo of Pekinese dogs in the atlas.
... [re: inaccuracies in Albinism pt. I (Prof. ‘Komoto spelt Komato’]...
The two Pekinese dogs here have very good hearing.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
23 Jan 1911
‘Dear Pearson,
Low got part of the head (Tong) & at least 1 olfactory tract. He says that it looked well developed, & he made a sketch of it & is microscoping [sic] it.
What a charming photo of Pekinese dogs in the atlas.
... [re: inaccuracies in Albinism pt. I (Prof. ‘Komoto spelt Komato’]...
The two Pekinese dogs here have very good hearing.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’