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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 20 Jun 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
20 Jun 1911
‘Dear Pearson,
Tong’s organs. Dr Low brought his sections to-day. He finds no pigment anywhere. The only suspicious part is in the hairs & Low does not think that the appearances which suggest pigment granules are really pigment granules, no doubt he will say why in his notes. All the internal organs have no pigment. His notes he will bring on Friday to be forwarded.
I am sending 2 of the skin sections, as it will be well, Low agrees or suggests, to have other opinions on this point.
Yrs sincerely,
C.H. Usher.
Had Tong’s eye epiblastic pigment only?’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
20 Jun 1911
‘Dear Pearson,
Tong’s organs. Dr Low brought his sections to-day. He finds no pigment anywhere. The only suspicious part is in the hairs & Low does not think that the appearances which suggest pigment granules are really pigment granules, no doubt he will say why in his notes. All the internal organs have no pigment. His notes he will bring on Friday to be forwarded.
I am sending 2 of the skin sections, as it will be well, Low agrees or suggests, to have other opinions on this point.
Yrs sincerely,
C.H. Usher.
Had Tong’s eye epiblastic pigment only?’