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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 25 Mar 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
25 Mar 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
Your question of 23rd.
1) Prince & Beenie litter. You have I believe some description of all of the coats. Since your letter arrived I have opened an eye of the dead chocolate pup & an eye of the dead black pup. To the naked eye & with a lens there is a marked difference in the pigmentation of the fundus. In the black pup the fundus is dark whilst in the chocolate pup it has merely a faint brown tinge – this will account for the great translucency & redness of pupil noted inthe chocolate pup’s eyes. Ciliary body very dark in both pup’s eyes. Iris posterior part dark in each, but surface of black pup’s iris is darker than that of the chocolate pup.
The living chocolate pup has a distinctly paler iris than in the case of the living black pups, yet I believe there is a quantity of pigment in the stroma. I shall try to compare its fundus ophthalmicroscopically with that of a black pup (see p. 6).
...[exteded descriptions of dogs, litters of]...’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
25 Mar 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
Your question of 23rd.
1) Prince & Beenie litter. You have I believe some description of all of the coats. Since your letter arrived I have opened an eye of the dead chocolate pup & an eye of the dead black pup. To the naked eye & with a lens there is a marked difference in the pigmentation of the fundus. In the black pup the fundus is dark whilst in the chocolate pup it has merely a faint brown tinge – this will account for the great translucency & redness of pupil noted inthe chocolate pup’s eyes. Ciliary body very dark in both pup’s eyes. Iris posterior part dark in each, but surface of black pup’s iris is darker than that of the chocolate pup.
The living chocolate pup has a distinctly paler iris than in the case of the living black pups, yet I believe there is a quantity of pigment in the stroma. I shall try to compare its fundus ophthalmicroscopically with that of a black pup (see p. 6).
...[exteded descriptions of dogs, litters of]...’