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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 6 May 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
6 May 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
Proof: 1) I cannot say about Raehlmann [Rählmann?]. Is his observation mentioned in the Human albino eye chapter? I do not even know where to look for Raehlmann’s account. If you have the reference please let me have it & I shall look it up. If I remember correctly I showed the sections to Coats & he was puzzled with the appearances.
The eyes of Marie bhan almost certainly were removed immediately after death & placed in formalin strength 6, 7 or 10 per cent. This will likely be found, however, in the account of the post-mortem by Dean. I shall look it up when I get home.
Dog muzzle measurement. When at College of Surgeons to-day with object of comparing a pup’s skull with the adult skull I looked at the skull of a spaniel & what is probably a foetal skull with few or no teeth. I don’t think this latter was suitable for comparison, however, as regards the adult skull: there is a very great difference between the skull you showed me & the infra-orbital foramen was situated at the anterior limit of what I take to be the 4th premolar. There is a much greater relative distance between your measurement & mine in the spaniel’s skull than in the skull you showed. If you saw the spaniel skull you would possibly wish to return to your measurements as being more a muzzle measurement than the other one.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
6 May 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
Proof: 1) I cannot say about Raehlmann [Rählmann?]. Is his observation mentioned in the Human albino eye chapter? I do not even know where to look for Raehlmann’s account. If you have the reference please let me have it & I shall look it up. If I remember correctly I showed the sections to Coats & he was puzzled with the appearances.
The eyes of Marie bhan almost certainly were removed immediately after death & placed in formalin strength 6, 7 or 10 per cent. This will likely be found, however, in the account of the post-mortem by Dean. I shall look it up when I get home.
Dog muzzle measurement. When at College of Surgeons to-day with object of comparing a pup’s skull with the adult skull I looked at the skull of a spaniel & what is probably a foetal skull with few or no teeth. I don’t think this latter was suitable for comparison, however, as regards the adult skull: there is a very great difference between the skull you showed me & the infra-orbital foramen was situated at the anterior limit of what I take to be the 4th premolar. There is a much greater relative distance between your measurement & mine in the spaniel’s skull than in the skull you showed. If you saw the spaniel skull you would possibly wish to return to your measurements as being more a muzzle measurement than the other one.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’