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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 7 Nov 1915
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
7 Nov 1915
‘Dear Pearson,
Thank you for your report of Duiker’s hair. Then hairs & eye are without pigment.
I shall send Kenneth off on Thursday night, addressed to you at University Coll., he should arrive at Euston at 8.5 on Friday. The difficulty of getting a suitable photo of his back is partly due to his desire to sit down as soon as possible. My attempts were not successful. I had thought of getting a skiagram taken, but it would [continues overleaf].’
[report on Duiker’s hair attached to letter:]
‘’Duiker’ Hair
Macroscopic - white, with slightly yellowish tinge towards tip, which may be die to dirt.
Cortex – very narrow, with only a slight indication of granulation – these granules are not coloured, but they may represent the chromagen-bodies of pigment formation. This is suggested by the fact that they are arranged in longitudinal rows, in the same way as pigment granules, (when present) occur.
Medulla – very wide, occupying about three-fifths of the whole diameter, and composed of two or three rows (narrowing to a single row towards tip) of large cubical cells, the interstices of which have a granular appearance. Here again, there is no sign of any colouring matter, and diffuse pigment appears to be absent throughout the whole length of hair.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
7 Nov 1915
‘Dear Pearson,
Thank you for your report of Duiker’s hair. Then hairs & eye are without pigment.
I shall send Kenneth off on Thursday night, addressed to you at University Coll., he should arrive at Euston at 8.5 on Friday. The difficulty of getting a suitable photo of his back is partly due to his desire to sit down as soon as possible. My attempts were not successful. I had thought of getting a skiagram taken, but it would [continues overleaf].’
[report on Duiker’s hair attached to letter:]
‘’Duiker’ Hair
Macroscopic - white, with slightly yellowish tinge towards tip, which may be die to dirt.
Cortex – very narrow, with only a slight indication of granulation – these granules are not coloured, but they may represent the chromagen-bodies of pigment formation. This is suggested by the fact that they are arranged in longitudinal rows, in the same way as pigment granules, (when present) occur.
Medulla – very wide, occupying about three-fifths of the whole diameter, and composed of two or three rows (narrowing to a single row towards tip) of large cubical cells, the interstices of which have a granular appearance. Here again, there is no sign of any colouring matter, and diffuse pigment appears to be absent throughout the whole length of hair.’