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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 29 Jul 1918
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
29 Jul 1918
‘Dear Pearson,
I arrived last month, but got into my house only two days ago. They have placed me once again in the military hospital here to do the eye work and that means no doubt, as formerly, work in the civilian hospital as well & also private work.
Dogs. I am trying to pick up the threads of the pedigree. Last month there were two new litters with four pups in each. Were the duplicate schedules sent to you for I have so far failed to find them and they would be of use now in linking up all the new comers. The bitch Mor bahn, that you mention in your letter of 8 Mch. 1918 was a pompek-pom. Her mother was a white pom and her father was Fraoch dhu. There are now several pom-pompek-poms.
May I send you the notes of the stoats as it is unlikely that I shall go at them again? Would you like to have the skins.
With best wishes,
Yrs. sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
29 Jul 1918
‘Dear Pearson,
I arrived last month, but got into my house only two days ago. They have placed me once again in the military hospital here to do the eye work and that means no doubt, as formerly, work in the civilian hospital as well & also private work.
Dogs. I am trying to pick up the threads of the pedigree. Last month there were two new litters with four pups in each. Were the duplicate schedules sent to you for I have so far failed to find them and they would be of use now in linking up all the new comers. The bitch Mor bahn, that you mention in your letter of 8 Mch. 1918 was a pompek-pom. Her mother was a white pom and her father was Fraoch dhu. There are now several pom-pompek-poms.
May I send you the notes of the stoats as it is unlikely that I shall go at them again? Would you like to have the skins.
With best wishes,
Yrs. sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’