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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 16 Aug 1933
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
16 Aug 1933
‘Dear Pearson,
The puppies of Goggy and Stocky show no heterochrome characters of the eyes. Only 3 pairs of eyes could be compared as the following notes will show. The excision of the eyeballs has not been quite so successful as usual.
“Eyes of puppy No. 1 in 5% formalin, schedule No 301 Goggy x Stocky” received on 11th July 1928.
Macroscopic examination: Both lenses are separate from their eyeballs. The pigment adherent to the anterior surface of the lenses is very dark in each. Only one eyeball is present and its fundus, iris and ciliary body pigment is very dark. No microscopical examination made as no comparison for heterochromia is possible.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin No. 2, schedule No 300 Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928. One eyeball is intact and the other is buttonholed and its lens has escaped. Both eyes opened equatorially.
Macroscopical examination: iris equally dark in both eyes, fundus of each eye shows an equal degree of darkness and there is a paler portion in each corresponding to the tapetum[?] no doubt.
Microscopical examination: The iris epiblastic layers and the stroma are well pigmented and I can find no difference in degree of pigmentation in the two eyes; the same applies to the pigment layer and stroma of ciliary body; choroid[?] in both eyes is deeply pigmented; hexagonal cell layer of retina is equally dark in each eye, pigment in the later is absent at tapetum[?] which explains the paler appearance of the fundus at this situation when it was viewed macroscopically.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin No. 3, schedule No 302 Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928. One eye only is complete. In the other eye the fundus is nearly altogether absent. Intact eye opened equatorially.
Macroscopical examination: irides are equally dark, fundus of intact eye has a large paler area – tapetum[?], rest of it is dark.
Micropscopical examination: iris epiblastic layer and stroma well pigmented and in equal degree in the two eyes; ciliary body pigment layer and stroma equally pigmented in each eye. Fundus of intact eye was not cut as there was no other fundus to compare it with.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin, schedule No 303, No. 4, Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928.
One eye is complete the other is button holed. Eyes opened equatorially.
Macroscopic examination: iris of one eye is as dark as in the other, and the depth of fundus colour is the same in each eye. A paler area is present in each fundus - tapetum[?].
Microscopical examination: Epiblastic pigment layers of iris and ciliary body are well and equally pigmented in each eye and so is the stroma of these structures; choroid is deeply pigmented in each eye; natural hexagonal cell layer shows an equal degree of pigmentation in each eye and at tapetum there is absence of pigment in this layer in both eyes.
I hope so long a delay in sending this report has not in any way kept you back.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
16 Aug 1933
‘Dear Pearson,
The puppies of Goggy and Stocky show no heterochrome characters of the eyes. Only 3 pairs of eyes could be compared as the following notes will show. The excision of the eyeballs has not been quite so successful as usual.
“Eyes of puppy No. 1 in 5% formalin, schedule No 301 Goggy x Stocky” received on 11th July 1928.
Macroscopic examination: Both lenses are separate from their eyeballs. The pigment adherent to the anterior surface of the lenses is very dark in each. Only one eyeball is present and its fundus, iris and ciliary body pigment is very dark. No microscopical examination made as no comparison for heterochromia is possible.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin No. 2, schedule No 300 Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928. One eyeball is intact and the other is buttonholed and its lens has escaped. Both eyes opened equatorially.
Macroscopical examination: iris equally dark in both eyes, fundus of each eye shows an equal degree of darkness and there is a paler portion in each corresponding to the tapetum[?] no doubt.
Microscopical examination: The iris epiblastic layers and the stroma are well pigmented and I can find no difference in degree of pigmentation in the two eyes; the same applies to the pigment layer and stroma of ciliary body; choroid[?] in both eyes is deeply pigmented; hexagonal cell layer of retina is equally dark in each eye, pigment in the later is absent at tapetum[?] which explains the paler appearance of the fundus at this situation when it was viewed macroscopically.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin No. 3, schedule No 302 Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928. One eye only is complete. In the other eye the fundus is nearly altogether absent. Intact eye opened equatorially.
Macroscopical examination: irides are equally dark, fundus of intact eye has a large paler area – tapetum[?], rest of it is dark.
Micropscopical examination: iris epiblastic layer and stroma well pigmented and in equal degree in the two eyes; ciliary body pigment layer and stroma equally pigmented in each eye. Fundus of intact eye was not cut as there was no other fundus to compare it with.
“Eyes of puppy in 5% formalin, schedule No 303, No. 4, Goggy x Stocky” received July 11th 1928.
One eye is complete the other is button holed. Eyes opened equatorially.
Macroscopic examination: iris of one eye is as dark as in the other, and the depth of fundus colour is the same in each eye. A paler area is present in each fundus - tapetum[?].
Microscopical examination: Epiblastic pigment layers of iris and ciliary body are well and equally pigmented in each eye and so is the stroma of these structures; choroid is deeply pigmented in each eye; natural hexagonal cell layer shows an equal degree of pigmentation in each eye and at tapetum there is absence of pigment in this layer in both eyes.
I hope so long a delay in sending this report has not in any way kept you back.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’