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E.J. Renton to K. Pearson, 1st Dec. 1911.
1 Dec 1911
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
I must write and let you know what a success Yang-sen is, he rules the house and is such a jolly little fellow we are all devoted to him already, and he is a constant amusement to the children, who join with me in thanking you for your kind thought in sending him to us.
Yrs sincerely,
Ethel J. Renton.’
E.J. Renton to K. Pearson, 7th Nov. 1911.
7 Nov 1911
You are quite right as to James Dawkins he was b. in 1722 and was an elder brother of the Henry who married Lady J. Colyear[?] and whose eldest son also James assumed the name of Colyear[?], his [i.e.] James’ daughter Caroline died in 1857 and it is in her will that might be of assistance as she left her estates to the Portmore illegitimate children.
I am quite sure Eleanor (baby) would love the little dog but I scarecly like to accept such a valuable pet if you do send him every possible care shall be taken of him and perhaps you would say if he requires any special diet.
E.J. Renton to K. Pearson, 9th Nov. 1911.
9 Nov 1911
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
If little Yang-sen is sent from Euston by the 2.45 train to Kilmarsh he will arrive at 5 [to] 1 and shall of course be met, and I will return the hamper we have some nice toy dog baskets and kennels for indoors, as at one time we had a lot of tiny black and tan terriers so we can use one of those for him to be in at night and his diet is evidently much the same. We are looking forward to his arrival and if he could be sent Tuesday or Thursday those are the best days for us as we are at home on those days.
Yrs sincerely,
Ethel J. Renton.’