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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 13 Mar 1910
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
13 Mar 1910
Description:‘My dear Pearson,
Hair from Pekingese – 6 animals.
I. II. III. IV. – from Mrs Franklin. Sufficient particulars in packets.
V. V [sic] – from Mrs Dew-Smith; 2 samples from same animal, in separate packets – sufficient particulars thereon.
VI. “Gollywog” (Mrs Mayhew) a nearly black ♂ hybrid between albino ♂ & pure black ♀. See memorandum on other side [of letter].
I got Mrs. M. to lend me Gollywog yesterday for your Tong. Colonel M. (Mrs M.’s husband) told me he thought this dog no use & on trial we found he took absolutely no notice of her; & this morning I found on examining him that he has no trace of testicles & the penis quite small;- disappointing. – We are therefore putting Jack o Tong again.
I will report when Tong is ready to return.
I have other letters &c. to attend to & not much time.
Yrs very sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I am going to lend you skin of Jill’s dead coloured puppy to see & take sample from, but have not time today.
Memo as to “Gollywog” – He looks black at 1st sight but the free ends of many of the mane & tail hairs are very dark red-brown; also there is a sprinkling of quite white hairs especially in tail & that region; also a pure white blaze a patch on chest between four legs, & some pure white on some of the toes. Irides dark brown – nose black. He is impotent,- testicles undescended & penis quite small. He is lame from some disease of L. hip that came after distemper but otherwise strong & well & can go for 10 miles a day quite easily. His voice is like a puppy’s & he is remarkably quiet & unexcitable, but very affectionate.
Gollywog’s father is “Ching,” an albino of the Jack type; both Ching’s parents were albino his father being the same as Tong 1st’s father, his mother a full sister of Tong’s mother but of a different litter i.e. Ching & Tong are sibs. by their father, 1st cousins by their mothers.
Gollywog’s mother is reported to be absolutely black all over I have not seen her, & probably shall not be able to; I will enquire for her pedigree but am doubtful of getting it.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
13 Mar 1910
Description:‘My dear Pearson,
Hair from Pekingese – 6 animals.
I. II. III. IV. – from Mrs Franklin. Sufficient particulars in packets.
V. V [sic] – from Mrs Dew-Smith; 2 samples from same animal, in separate packets – sufficient particulars thereon.
VI. “Gollywog” (Mrs Mayhew) a nearly black ♂ hybrid between albino ♂ & pure black ♀. See memorandum on other side [of letter].
I got Mrs. M. to lend me Gollywog yesterday for your Tong. Colonel M. (Mrs M.’s husband) told me he thought this dog no use & on trial we found he took absolutely no notice of her; & this morning I found on examining him that he has no trace of testicles & the penis quite small;- disappointing. – We are therefore putting Jack o Tong again.
I will report when Tong is ready to return.
I have other letters &c. to attend to & not much time.
Yrs very sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I am going to lend you skin of Jill’s dead coloured puppy to see & take sample from, but have not time today.
Memo as to “Gollywog” – He looks black at 1st sight but the free ends of many of the mane & tail hairs are very dark red-brown; also there is a sprinkling of quite white hairs especially in tail & that region; also a pure white blaze a patch on chest between four legs, & some pure white on some of the toes. Irides dark brown – nose black. He is impotent,- testicles undescended & penis quite small. He is lame from some disease of L. hip that came after distemper but otherwise strong & well & can go for 10 miles a day quite easily. His voice is like a puppy’s & he is remarkably quiet & unexcitable, but very affectionate.
Gollywog’s father is “Ching,” an albino of the Jack type; both Ching’s parents were albino his father being the same as Tong 1st’s father, his mother a full sister of Tong’s mother but of a different litter i.e. Ching & Tong are sibs. by their father, 1st cousins by their mothers.
Gollywog’s mother is reported to be absolutely black all over I have not seen her, & probably shall not be able to; I will enquire for her pedigree but am doubtful of getting it.’