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- Born
Date: 1876
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Date: 1915
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G. Coats, 'Mr Coats’, Report on the Eyes of the Albinotic Pekingese Bitch “Tong” (c. 23rd Jan 1911).'
23 Jan 1911
‘The albinism is only partial, the distribution of pigment, which is identical in both eyes, being as follows:-
(1). In the iris the pigment epithelium is quite deeply pigmented. A moderate number of isolated pigmented cells are scattered throughout the stroma. Some of these are no doubt clump cells, but others have neither the characteristic appearance nor distribution, & are probably thru chromatophores. At least one pigment call is found in the ligamentum pectinatum, where, it is believed, clump cells do not occur. A few pigment granules are present in the sphincter & dilattor.
(2). In the ciliary body the distribution of pigment is similar, except that pigmented cells are more scanty in the stroma, & more of them are of the clump cell type. The outer layer of the epithelium is well pigmented.
(3). In the choroid the stroma pigment seems to be absent. The epithelium is remarkable for the extreme paleness of its pigment. Anteriorly some granules of approximately normal tint occur; posteriorly granules are present in the cells, but are either devoid of pigment or have only the faintest brown tinge.
(4). The acleral chromatophores are apparently absent. ‘