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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 24 Jan 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
24 Jan 1911
‘My dear Pearson,
It would seem best likely [sic] to be practicable about the yellow albino is to ask Mrs Pearson how the enclosed samples compare with her recollection of the yellow animal?
The samples were cut this a.m. from “Fo” out of Jill & Jack, born 28 Jan. 1910. He is mostly of the colour of these samples but with mainly symmetrical white patches or areas, feet & some on face I think.
He is at Goodwood, 5m[iles?] from here.
His brother “Fe” is similarly coloured but has more or larger white areas. He is at Wargrave on Thames.
In same litter was a 3rd ♂ died at 5 weeks, was mousy brown nearly all over; would probably have got yellow or light fawn had he lived as the 2 brothers (Fo & FE) above, were what I call “mousy” at first. There were 2 others: same litter, both ♀ & both white all over i.e. as white as any I have had, perhaps hardly so white as your Tong; both died young at different ages (I have details).
Patty, whom you saw, own sister to the above lot but of [a] different litter, began by being as much coloured as they, or nearly so, (see example of hair from tail when quite young) how, as you saw, she is as “white” as her parents Jack & Jill.
I kept her specially for breeding because of her colour, so it is, as you will agree, unlucky she has turned.
I can of course have the use of either of the coloured dogs for her if I want to when her time comes.
It is odd that all the most & permanently coloured ones so far are ♂.
I enclose report from Coats on your Tong’s eyes, just recd.; he sends it in duplicate so you can keep the one enclosed.
Yrs sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I am not sure whether you have already had “Fo’s” hair for microscoping? You will have it under that name if at all.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Jan 1911
‘My dear Pearson,
It would seem best likely [sic] to be practicable about the yellow albino is to ask Mrs Pearson how the enclosed samples compare with her recollection of the yellow animal?
The samples were cut this a.m. from “Fo” out of Jill & Jack, born 28 Jan. 1910. He is mostly of the colour of these samples but with mainly symmetrical white patches or areas, feet & some on face I think.
He is at Goodwood, 5m[iles?] from here.
His brother “Fe” is similarly coloured but has more or larger white areas. He is at Wargrave on Thames.
In same litter was a 3rd ♂ died at 5 weeks, was mousy brown nearly all over; would probably have got yellow or light fawn had he lived as the 2 brothers (Fo & FE) above, were what I call “mousy” at first. There were 2 others: same litter, both ♀ & both white all over i.e. as white as any I have had, perhaps hardly so white as your Tong; both died young at different ages (I have details).
Patty, whom you saw, own sister to the above lot but of [a] different litter, began by being as much coloured as they, or nearly so, (see example of hair from tail when quite young) how, as you saw, she is as “white” as her parents Jack & Jill.
I kept her specially for breeding because of her colour, so it is, as you will agree, unlucky she has turned.
I can of course have the use of either of the coloured dogs for her if I want to when her time comes.
It is odd that all the most & permanently coloured ones so far are ♂.
I enclose report from Coats on your Tong’s eyes, just recd.; he sends it in duplicate so you can keep the one enclosed.
Yrs sincerely,
E. Nettleship.
I am not sure whether you have already had “Fo’s” hair for microscoping? You will have it under that name if at all.’