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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 22 May 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
22 May 1911
[re: eye specimen, studies; analysis of ‘the negro’s skin & hair’]
We shall hae to direct special attention to condition of cones at yellow spot to test Fritz’s statement; i.e. if eye removed from body fresh enough for the retina to be in 1st class condition.’
Wee Tong &c.- I don’t understand it – (1) Is Wee Ling too fat?, - probably not, but of course overfeeding is anti-virilitous (?word); (2) I think the bitch sometimes refuses till she seems almost passed out in heat, long after the bleeding has ceased, but even if so one wd. not expect the ♂ to be indifferent till then.
I have been hoping Jill wd. come on again but so far no sign.
Sent to
Karl Pearson
22 May 1911
[re: eye specimen, studies; analysis of ‘the negro’s skin & hair’]
We shall hae to direct special attention to condition of cones at yellow spot to test Fritz’s statement; i.e. if eye removed from body fresh enough for the retina to be in 1st class condition.’
Wee Tong &c.- I don’t understand it – (1) Is Wee Ling too fat?, - probably not, but of course overfeeding is anti-virilitous (?word); (2) I think the bitch sometimes refuses till she seems almost passed out in heat, long after the bleeding has ceased, but even if so one wd. not expect the ♂ to be indifferent till then.
I have been hoping Jill wd. come on again but so far no sign.