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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 20 Aug 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
20 Aug 1911
[Re: ‘dog paper’, which ‘won’t be a very superior performance’; illustrations of dogs (colour plates/patches?)]
Fo – I will ask, but probably she [who?] won’t consent to part with him; but mating him with Wee Choo ought to be workable at one place or another. I don’t think long residence of dog & bitch together makes any difference to their mutual attractiveness when the time comes?
I suppose Wee Choo will not be in season before Nov. if so soon? – let me know probabilities.
Of my 3 new pups (all ♂) one is much smaller than the other two & will probably die: appears [too] small to suck although palate looks all right; cook has got him indoors & doing her best but I don’t expect him to do. All 3 are of the usual fawn or light brown with symmetrical areas of white. I say “usual” because it is usual with Jack & Jill. The Tong strain is evidently in the main white.
I don’t remember about spectacle mark in your 3 (W. Choo, Ling & Tong)? You might put a few words on paper & send me, for use in the description. The presence & degree of the mark in a particular dog does not commit one to any theory of the nature & cause of the mark.
Yrs very sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
20 Aug 1911
[Re: ‘dog paper’, which ‘won’t be a very superior performance’; illustrations of dogs (colour plates/patches?)]
Fo – I will ask, but probably she [who?] won’t consent to part with him; but mating him with Wee Choo ought to be workable at one place or another. I don’t think long residence of dog & bitch together makes any difference to their mutual attractiveness when the time comes?
I suppose Wee Choo will not be in season before Nov. if so soon? – let me know probabilities.
Of my 3 new pups (all ♂) one is much smaller than the other two & will probably die: appears [too] small to suck although palate looks all right; cook has got him indoors & doing her best but I don’t expect him to do. All 3 are of the usual fawn or light brown with symmetrical areas of white. I say “usual” because it is usual with Jack & Jill. The Tong strain is evidently in the main white.
I don’t remember about spectacle mark in your 3 (W. Choo, Ling & Tong)? You might put a few words on paper & send me, for use in the description. The presence & degree of the mark in a particular dog does not commit one to any theory of the nature & cause of the mark.
Yrs very sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’