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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 17 Oct 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
17 Oct 1911
‘My dear Pearson,
At last I have done all I can towards my section on the albino Pekingese and send it herewith,
[enclosed with above:]
‘[hand-written transcript of article from] The Illustrated London News, June 15, 1861
At the [illeg.] of the Imp. Palace of Yuen-Ming-Yuen near Pekin on 8th Oct last a diminutive dog was found by Capt. Dunne of 99th Reg. No other dog like it was found in the palace, & it is supposed to have belonged to the Empress or one of the [illeg.] of the Imp. family.
Capt. D. brought dog to England & presented it to the Queen. Now forms one of the Royal Collection of dogs. Looty [is] considered the smallest & by far the most beautiful little animal that has appeared in this country.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
17 Oct 1911
‘My dear Pearson,
At last I have done all I can towards my section on the albino Pekingese and send it herewith,
[enclosed with above:]
‘[hand-written transcript of article from] The Illustrated London News, June 15, 1861
At the [illeg.] of the Imp. Palace of Yuen-Ming-Yuen near Pekin on 8th Oct last a diminutive dog was found by Capt. Dunne of 99th Reg. No other dog like it was found in the palace, & it is supposed to have belonged to the Empress or one of the [illeg.] of the Imp. family.
Capt. D. brought dog to England & presented it to the Queen. Now forms one of the Royal Collection of dogs. Looty [is] considered the smallest & by far the most beautiful little animal that has appeared in this country.’