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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 26 Sep 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
26 Sep 1912
‘I am glad you have got a place for the pups; if the lady is fairly straight the scheme ought to work well. The colouration of the litter comes out all wrong for simple Mendelism as you say;- even if you found no granules in the two coloured ones (the non-blacks) it would be stretching v. much to dub them albinos! But one is always told, & I take it quite fairly, not to go by small numbers, simple broods, & I take it you must get several other broods before concluding. This quite apart from the complex problems of inter-relation between the several different pigments of which one reads in mice &c.; coupling tri-coupling (?leashing i[n?] leash[?] = 3) & so on that lead to the chess-board arrangements – I don’t pretend to follow these complexities; I was born with a minimum gift for numbers & all they mean, & never cultivated what little I had, so I entirely fail to be able to learn to think in terms of numerical statements however they are put.
But I imagine what one may call roughly the “interaction of factors” position has to be very carefully attended to, & that only a little is yet known, but that it may reasonably enough be true & probably capable of prediction even if you don’t feel able to accept existing experimental records.
However all this is rather childish from me to you. I am just trying to write out a pedigree of mixed eye-disease of an unusual type & mental disease that I have been at for some months. I also have a curious ped: of blindness in several pedigree bulls (? Heredity or only some “accidental” toxic affair), & there are one or two other pedigrees poking their noses out & saying it is feeding time tho. they have to possess their appetites in peace for the moment.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
26 Sep 1912
‘I am glad you have got a place for the pups; if the lady is fairly straight the scheme ought to work well. The colouration of the litter comes out all wrong for simple Mendelism as you say;- even if you found no granules in the two coloured ones (the non-blacks) it would be stretching v. much to dub them albinos! But one is always told, & I take it quite fairly, not to go by small numbers, simple broods, & I take it you must get several other broods before concluding. This quite apart from the complex problems of inter-relation between the several different pigments of which one reads in mice &c.; coupling tri-coupling (?leashing i[n?] leash[?] = 3) & so on that lead to the chess-board arrangements – I don’t pretend to follow these complexities; I was born with a minimum gift for numbers & all they mean, & never cultivated what little I had, so I entirely fail to be able to learn to think in terms of numerical statements however they are put.
But I imagine what one may call roughly the “interaction of factors” position has to be very carefully attended to, & that only a little is yet known, but that it may reasonably enough be true & probably capable of prediction even if you don’t feel able to accept existing experimental records.
However all this is rather childish from me to you. I am just trying to write out a pedigree of mixed eye-disease of an unusual type & mental disease that I have been at for some months. I also have a curious ped: of blindness in several pedigree bulls (? Heredity or only some “accidental” toxic affair), & there are one or two other pedigrees poking their noses out & saying it is feeding time tho. they have to possess their appetites in peace for the moment.’