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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 18 Dec 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
18 Dec 1912
‘My dear Pearson,
Enclosed is Mrs Dew-Smith’s statement of results of matings between here Ting (albino) and her Little Oo (coloured).
This Ting is daughter of my Jack & your Tong & you will easily find her on the big pedigree.
Little Oo is also on the big pedigree.
The particulars of the 4th letter, due middle of next month, will be forwarded when the time comes; but the note will refer to colour at birth only I expect as Mrs D-S. has no accommodation for more & will not let them live, or at most only one of them.
Yrs E. Nettleship.’
[genealogical chart attached]
Sent to
Karl Pearson
18 Dec 1912
‘My dear Pearson,
Enclosed is Mrs Dew-Smith’s statement of results of matings between here Ting (albino) and her Little Oo (coloured).
This Ting is daughter of my Jack & your Tong & you will easily find her on the big pedigree.
Little Oo is also on the big pedigree.
The particulars of the 4th letter, due middle of next month, will be forwarded when the time comes; but the note will refer to colour at birth only I expect as Mrs D-S. has no accommodation for more & will not let them live, or at most only one of them.
Yrs E. Nettleship.’
[genealogical chart attached]