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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 26 Jan 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
26 Jan 1913
‘My dear Pearson,
This from Mrs Lowes (a former possible receptor of your dogs) has (1) the practical question for you (not me) at foot of p.3a. I don’t know that you want Peke x Pompek? but if you do & have a [male] Pompek you may like to take the opportunity when Mrs L’s alb. bitch Dodo is ready. Dod evidently belongs to the Jack & Jill rather than the Tong side of the pedigree. If you will let me know & also return me Mrs L’s letter (which I cannot acknowledge anyhow) I will tell her accordingly. Her list of monstrosities is (if authentic) sufficiently appalling!
(2) Dodo’s pedigree: you can work her into her place of course.
I like, & am very grateful for, both your portraits; one always wants profile & full face for the whole person. My wife is very much obliged by your kind offer & will write to you; she has been a little on the shelf this week but all right in a day or two I expect.
I have an accumulation of letters etc. – today so please excuse brevity.
Yours sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
26 Jan 1913
‘My dear Pearson,
This from Mrs Lowes (a former possible receptor of your dogs) has (1) the practical question for you (not me) at foot of p.3a. I don’t know that you want Peke x Pompek? but if you do & have a [male] Pompek you may like to take the opportunity when Mrs L’s alb. bitch Dodo is ready. Dod evidently belongs to the Jack & Jill rather than the Tong side of the pedigree. If you will let me know & also return me Mrs L’s letter (which I cannot acknowledge anyhow) I will tell her accordingly. Her list of monstrosities is (if authentic) sufficiently appalling!
(2) Dodo’s pedigree: you can work her into her place of course.
I like, & am very grateful for, both your portraits; one always wants profile & full face for the whole person. My wife is very much obliged by your kind offer & will write to you; she has been a little on the shelf this week but all right in a day or two I expect.
I have an accumulation of letters etc. – today so please excuse brevity.
Yours sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’