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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 24 Jun 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
24 Jun 1913
Description:‘My dear Pearson,
I seem to have records of only 7 fruitful matings between Jack and Jill, Jack & Tong 1st (young Tong) & Jack & his own daughter Ting. Of these it is possible you already have Jack & Tong 1st (a on enclosed list [not present]) & if so my list is reduced to 6.
You will see there is not much variation, if my arithmetic is right. But the N∞[?] is so small one cannot conclude anything.
About Dr Lina M. Potter’s albino, of he (albino) is willing I shd. ask Flemming to see him at U.C.H. & to send him on to you for completion of[?] history se.; it ought to be all workable on same day if carefully arranged.
But before I start with Flemming perhaps you will look at the 3 cases I now enclose that have been awaiting opportunity. Two of these three [illeg.] are quite suitable & I have written the descriptions in the usual way.
The 3rd is an early-grayness[?] pedigree & by no means well worked out at that. I got it from Mrs Flora Annie Steel. I expect its general characters (prevalence of early greyness) is correct enough, bit one cannot be sure of the quantities.
But with some such qualification I should think it might be taken? It is one of the “curse” legend cases.
As to the albino defective who may be of same stock, we shall not be able to prove anything in detail. I have not looked at Burke’s Peerage for possible genealogical connexion.
Well, if these 3, or the first two of them, are enough for your purpose perhaps the new case (Dr Potter’s) may be left alone. – But if not please let me know & I will see what I can get done.
I do not want any of Mrs Flora Annie’s case returned.
Yrs. E. Nettleship.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Jun 1913
Description:‘My dear Pearson,
I seem to have records of only 7 fruitful matings between Jack and Jill, Jack & Tong 1st (young Tong) & Jack & his own daughter Ting. Of these it is possible you already have Jack & Tong 1st (a on enclosed list [not present]) & if so my list is reduced to 6.
You will see there is not much variation, if my arithmetic is right. But the N∞[?] is so small one cannot conclude anything.
About Dr Lina M. Potter’s albino, of he (albino) is willing I shd. ask Flemming to see him at U.C.H. & to send him on to you for completion of[?] history se.; it ought to be all workable on same day if carefully arranged.
But before I start with Flemming perhaps you will look at the 3 cases I now enclose that have been awaiting opportunity. Two of these three [illeg.] are quite suitable & I have written the descriptions in the usual way.
The 3rd is an early-grayness[?] pedigree & by no means well worked out at that. I got it from Mrs Flora Annie Steel. I expect its general characters (prevalence of early greyness) is correct enough, bit one cannot be sure of the quantities.
But with some such qualification I should think it might be taken? It is one of the “curse” legend cases.
As to the albino defective who may be of same stock, we shall not be able to prove anything in detail. I have not looked at Burke’s Peerage for possible genealogical connexion.
Well, if these 3, or the first two of them, are enough for your purpose perhaps the new case (Dr Potter’s) may be left alone. – But if not please let me know & I will see what I can get done.
I do not want any of Mrs Flora Annie’s case returned.
Yrs. E. Nettleship.’