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Sent From (Definite): Edward NettleshipSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 25 Jun 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Edward Nettleship
25 Jun 1913
‘My dear Pearson,
I have been going over my microscopical [sic] slides to eliminate rubbish & send away such as may possibly interest someone else.
I am not sure whether you have had samples from the various albino puppies &c. that Coats made, or got his boy to make, for me, from animals that died here? Anyhow I am sending 1 or 2 slides from eleven animals of which nine are albinos aged from birth upwards, one is the “white” bat, and one a black retriever puppy for comparison.
There are 20 slides in all, I think.
The nine Pekes are of course all in the pedigree & each slide (except Tong’s) has on it what I hope is the correct pedigree reference; by “hope” I mean that the reference was right when the specimen was in hand but if the final ped. numbers in X, XI or XII have been altered at all, as possible, the slide refs. will not be quite right. But even so there should not be such difficulty in getting them right. My original X 1.17 seems certainly to have become X 1.15 according to my notes.
One of the 9 Pekees is your Tong & you can supply the ped: reference on that slide?
The numbers (1 to 11) on enclosed list are only to show how many individuals I am sending samples of, & they do not appear on the slides. (The ped: references on the list & on each slide are what you will go by.)
Amongst this lot is the skin of nose of one puppy (? Two) that I described re: “granules”, “foreign bodies”, & “empty spaces” etc., & a few of the[?] skin sects. – These skins are as a rule not very thin sections I fear, but Miss Jones or Dr O’Donagline(!) [sic] may possibly like to compare them with corresponding sects. they have made.
Finally if you already have what I am sending or some of them, do not return the duplicates;- I am keeping some of each for myself, - more indeed than are ever likely to be wanted but one does not quite like to throw them away just yet.
Let me have a p[ost]. c[ard]. to say whether they reach you safely: I have used a preposterous quantity of wrappage.
Yours sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’
[attached: descriptive list of slides]
‘I have put Dingo Slides with these.
Microscopic slides of Albinotic Eyes &c. from E.N. to K.P. time[?] 1913.
1. White Bat from Grayswood of June 1912,
2. [female] Peke. puppy born dead 4 August 1911, youngest & largest of Jill & Jack’s 4th litter (4 pups). Slide index P.56.128.C.
One slide of whole eye stained: one unstained.
One slide of skin from median line of back where hair most.
This puppy had decidedly coloured coat.
Number on Pedigree XI. 18.
3. [male] Peke. puppy. 3rd born of same litter as last (XI. 18); died at 21 days, 25 Aug. 1911. Slide index P.56.128.D.
One slide of whole eye, stained.
Other skin of back, probably median line part.
This puppy had “white” coat.
No. on Pedigree marked in my notes as XI.17 should be XI.15.
4. [male] Peke. puppy, another of same litter [as 2.]; decidedly coloured coat. Died at 8 week (4 Oct. 1911) of exposure. Named Lo. {slide index P.56.128.E.
One slide of whole eye stained.
One slide of skin of nose, at L. side of site where “spectacle mark” would appear if it had developed, i.e. if animal had lived longer.
No. on Pedigree XI.16.
5. [female] Peke. – “Fi”, another of same litter. Coat “white.”
Killed aged 6 months, 31 Aug. 1910, coming into heat: was paralysed in R. hind leg.
One slide of whole eye, stained.
No. on Pedigree XI.9.
6. ? sex – Peke, born dead 18 Aug. 1910. One of 3rd litter of Jil & Jack. (2 puppies). The other one = Patty.
1 slide of whole eye, stained.
1 slide of skin of nose.
No. on Pedigree XI.13.
7. From Jill & Jack; 2nd litter b. 28 Janry 1910
[female] Peke. white coat. Born 28 Janry. 1910; died 19 Febr; age 21 days.
One section of whole eye stained: one unstained.
Slide index P.56.125.A.
No. on Pedigree XI.8.
8. [male] Peke 5th born of same litter as last. Coat “quite mousey brown all over”, except symmetrical white patches inside the hind legs, and along front of lower part of neck & chest. Died 4 M[ar]ch; age 5 wks.
One slide of whole of whole eye, stained. Slide index P.56.125.B.
One slide of whole eye, unstained.
No. on Pedigree XI.12.
9. Tong 1st: - Died ; age
One slide of whole eye, stained. No slide index mark.
No. on Pedigree .
10. [male] Peke. one of 3 puppies of Ting ( ) & Jack born 28 Oct. 1909. D. 18 Dec. – 51 days say, 7 weeks old.
One slide of whole eye stained.
Two slide of skin of nose stained.
No slide index mark.
The coat was of the ordinary nearly white shade; no decided “spectacle-mark.”
No. on Pedigree XII.9.
11. One slide of eye of a black Retriever puppy age 1 month.
Slide index mark P.56.128.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
25 Jun 1913
‘My dear Pearson,
I have been going over my microscopical [sic] slides to eliminate rubbish & send away such as may possibly interest someone else.
I am not sure whether you have had samples from the various albino puppies &c. that Coats made, or got his boy to make, for me, from animals that died here? Anyhow I am sending 1 or 2 slides from eleven animals of which nine are albinos aged from birth upwards, one is the “white” bat, and one a black retriever puppy for comparison.
There are 20 slides in all, I think.
The nine Pekes are of course all in the pedigree & each slide (except Tong’s) has on it what I hope is the correct pedigree reference; by “hope” I mean that the reference was right when the specimen was in hand but if the final ped. numbers in X, XI or XII have been altered at all, as possible, the slide refs. will not be quite right. But even so there should not be such difficulty in getting them right. My original X 1.17 seems certainly to have become X 1.15 according to my notes.
One of the 9 Pekees is your Tong & you can supply the ped: reference on that slide?
The numbers (1 to 11) on enclosed list are only to show how many individuals I am sending samples of, & they do not appear on the slides. (The ped: references on the list & on each slide are what you will go by.)
Amongst this lot is the skin of nose of one puppy (? Two) that I described re: “granules”, “foreign bodies”, & “empty spaces” etc., & a few of the[?] skin sects. – These skins are as a rule not very thin sections I fear, but Miss Jones or Dr O’Donagline(!) [sic] may possibly like to compare them with corresponding sects. they have made.
Finally if you already have what I am sending or some of them, do not return the duplicates;- I am keeping some of each for myself, - more indeed than are ever likely to be wanted but one does not quite like to throw them away just yet.
Let me have a p[ost]. c[ard]. to say whether they reach you safely: I have used a preposterous quantity of wrappage.
Yours sincerely,
E. Nettleship.’
[attached: descriptive list of slides]
‘I have put Dingo Slides with these.
Microscopic slides of Albinotic Eyes &c. from E.N. to K.P. time[?] 1913.
1. White Bat from Grayswood of June 1912,
2. [female] Peke. puppy born dead 4 August 1911, youngest & largest of Jill & Jack’s 4th litter (4 pups). Slide index P.56.128.C.
One slide of whole eye stained: one unstained.
One slide of skin from median line of back where hair most.
This puppy had decidedly coloured coat.
Number on Pedigree XI. 18.
3. [male] Peke. puppy. 3rd born of same litter as last (XI. 18); died at 21 days, 25 Aug. 1911. Slide index P.56.128.D.
One slide of whole eye, stained.
Other skin of back, probably median line part.
This puppy had “white” coat.
No. on Pedigree marked in my notes as XI.17 should be XI.15.
4. [male] Peke. puppy, another of same litter [as 2.]; decidedly coloured coat. Died at 8 week (4 Oct. 1911) of exposure. Named Lo. {slide index P.56.128.E.
One slide of whole eye stained.
One slide of skin of nose, at L. side of site where “spectacle mark” would appear if it had developed, i.e. if animal had lived longer.
No. on Pedigree XI.16.
5. [female] Peke. – “Fi”, another of same litter. Coat “white.”
Killed aged 6 months, 31 Aug. 1910, coming into heat: was paralysed in R. hind leg.
One slide of whole eye, stained.
No. on Pedigree XI.9.
6. ? sex – Peke, born dead 18 Aug. 1910. One of 3rd litter of Jil & Jack. (2 puppies). The other one = Patty.
1 slide of whole eye, stained.
1 slide of skin of nose.
No. on Pedigree XI.13.
7. From Jill & Jack; 2nd litter b. 28 Janry 1910
[female] Peke. white coat. Born 28 Janry. 1910; died 19 Febr; age 21 days.
One section of whole eye stained: one unstained.
Slide index P.56.125.A.
No. on Pedigree XI.8.
8. [male] Peke 5th born of same litter as last. Coat “quite mousey brown all over”, except symmetrical white patches inside the hind legs, and along front of lower part of neck & chest. Died 4 M[ar]ch; age 5 wks.
One slide of whole of whole eye, stained. Slide index P.56.125.B.
One slide of whole eye, unstained.
No. on Pedigree XI.12.
9. Tong 1st: - Died ; age
One slide of whole eye, stained. No slide index mark.
No. on Pedigree .
10. [male] Peke. one of 3 puppies of Ting ( ) & Jack born 28 Oct. 1909. D. 18 Dec. – 51 days say, 7 weeks old.
One slide of whole eye stained.
Two slide of skin of nose stained.
No slide index mark.
The coat was of the ordinary nearly white shade; no decided “spectacle-mark.”
No. on Pedigree XII.9.
11. One slide of eye of a black Retriever puppy age 1 month.
Slide index mark P.56.128.’