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Sent From (Definite): Egon Sharpe PearsonSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 24 Dec 1924
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Egon Sharpe Pearson
24 Dec 1924
‘Dear Father,
Enclosed received this p.m. (also your card to M.S.P.) Miss Elderton I think wrote to you today to tell you about Topsy’s puppy. I could not see what to do with it now, so after measuring the head I put it in a jar of 5% formation which I got from the Chemists. I suppose this will not hurt the skin which can be removed next week by Jessop. I don’t know whether it is any good having the inside examined again to see cause of death, but whether formalin will preserve the inside without it having been opened up at once, I do not know.
Topsy has been turned onto a fish & groats diet as her inside is said to be out of order. The other bitches & puppies quite well.
I shall not try to come down to Coldharbour this weekend; with this sort of weather it does not seem worth it for the short time, & there is a fair amount I shall need to do both on Saturday & Monday.
Yrs E.S.P.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Dec 1924
‘Dear Father,
Enclosed received this p.m. (also your card to M.S.P.) Miss Elderton I think wrote to you today to tell you about Topsy’s puppy. I could not see what to do with it now, so after measuring the head I put it in a jar of 5% formation which I got from the Chemists. I suppose this will not hurt the skin which can be removed next week by Jessop. I don’t know whether it is any good having the inside examined again to see cause of death, but whether formalin will preserve the inside without it having been opened up at once, I do not know.
Topsy has been turned onto a fish & groats diet as her inside is said to be out of order. The other bitches & puppies quite well.
I shall not try to come down to Coldharbour this weekend; with this sort of weather it does not seem worth it for the short time, & there is a fair amount I shall need to do both on Saturday & Monday.
Yrs E.S.P.’