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Sent From (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonSent To (Definite): Ethel M. EldertonDate: 7 Jan 1923
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Maria Sharpe Pearson
7 Jan 1923
Description:‘I was so pleased that you could write so cheerfully of your young boy, it must have been last Xmas that you wrote full of little anxieties for him. I dare say the weaknesses came with a stage of growth which he has passed through. It is so with young things, one of their cheering characteristics. How delightful that he is good at mathematics. That always seems to me a real “gift.” And he is not actually one of your family where it ought to be expected, so that it is wonderful good fortune for him & you to have the bond.
... How noble of ou to come down on boxing day to help clear up. But besides your devotion to the Labty & its aims you do really love dogs, which helps so much, & your mother will see that you don’t overdo yourself, won’t she.
I shall be glad when the first litter has been reared successfully, & I wanted ‘Mi’ to be the experiment, so I am very disappointed that she failed.
I am so glad that you feel about Jet as Sigrid & I do. She seems a so much more interesting personality than her mother, just the dog to be a little companion, and really pretty when she runs out of doors with her glassy black coat & twinkling grey ‘busbies[?].’ I am sorry my coming away will have interrupted his house education. Here we are very lazy with only “Purben-oleben[?]” after wet[?] summer.’
Sent to
Ethel M. Elderton
7 Jan 1923
Description:‘I was so pleased that you could write so cheerfully of your young boy, it must have been last Xmas that you wrote full of little anxieties for him. I dare say the weaknesses came with a stage of growth which he has passed through. It is so with young things, one of their cheering characteristics. How delightful that he is good at mathematics. That always seems to me a real “gift.” And he is not actually one of your family where it ought to be expected, so that it is wonderful good fortune for him & you to have the bond.
... How noble of ou to come down on boxing day to help clear up. But besides your devotion to the Labty & its aims you do really love dogs, which helps so much, & your mother will see that you don’t overdo yourself, won’t she.
I shall be glad when the first litter has been reared successfully, & I wanted ‘Mi’ to be the experiment, so I am very disappointed that she failed.
I am so glad that you feel about Jet as Sigrid & I do. She seems a so much more interesting personality than her mother, just the dog to be a little companion, and really pretty when she runs out of doors with her glassy black coat & twinkling grey ‘busbies[?].’ I am sorry my coming away will have interrupted his house education. Here we are very lazy with only “Purben-oleben[?]” after wet[?] summer.’