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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonDate: 17 Nov 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
17 Nov 1912
‘My dear Wife,
I wrote a line to Sigrid, but your card came too late to mention the flies. I dined with the Petries last night. The talk turned principally on John’s school & on Eugenics. He did not see, but I think Mrs P. did, the undesirability of the line he has taken re: death rates. He said ¼ of the children ought to be killed off & se exhibited some irritation & said “I suppose your children are those that are not to be killed off” hinted that it was damned conceit on his part! ...
This afternoon I started out with 2 dogs for [K.P.’s] A[unt].L[izzie] [White]. Miss Aldridge opened the door, & said Aunt Lizzie was fast asleep... It was rather a long way for nothing, but the dogs got their walk.’
Sent to
Maria Sharpe Pearson
17 Nov 1912
‘My dear Wife,
I wrote a line to Sigrid, but your card came too late to mention the flies. I dined with the Petries last night. The talk turned principally on John’s school & on Eugenics. He did not see, but I think Mrs P. did, the undesirability of the line he has taken re: death rates. He said ¼ of the children ought to be killed off & se exhibited some irritation & said “I suppose your children are those that are not to be killed off” hinted that it was damned conceit on his part! ...
This afternoon I started out with 2 dogs for [K.P.’s] A[unt].L[izzie] [White]. Miss Aldridge opened the door, & said Aunt Lizzie was fast asleep... It was rather a long way for nothing, but the dogs got their walk.’