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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonDate: 9 Jun 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
9 Jun 1913
‘Choo has six pups, four are dark & look brindled & two are white & almost certainly albinos. She is rather restless tonight & has bashed[?] at times. The whine of the pups fills the house. I hope they will do well.
[P.S.] Choo was pupping when the servants came down this morning. She seems to have finished now. The usual loud cries from the pups fill the basement. I count 4 dark pups. Louisa says there is one light one, but I did not see it or wish to disturb her. They are sucking quite peacefully so far.
Just off to College all well. I hope not too cold at Little Hampton.
Sent to
Maria Sharpe Pearson
9 Jun 1913
‘Choo has six pups, four are dark & look brindled & two are white & almost certainly albinos. She is rather restless tonight & has bashed[?] at times. The whine of the pups fills the house. I hope they will do well.
[P.S.] Choo was pupping when the servants came down this morning. She seems to have finished now. The usual loud cries from the pups fill the basement. I count 4 dark pups. Louisa says there is one light one, but I did not see it or wish to disturb her. They are sucking quite peacefully so far.
Just off to College all well. I hope not too cold at Little Hampton.