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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonDate: 20 May 1914
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
20 May 1914
‘My dearest Wife,
I cannot write to you properly till Sunday. The impossibility of getting to my lecture last week end & the resulting rush has left me no time to do so and today when I have done practically nothing as Choo did not arrive & we were twice at Paddington & telegraphing & Soper[?] in one of his most horrible moods. I can’t understand yet why Miss Little did not send her, as I gave I thought very full instructions. I am glad you find the cottage nice. Give my love to Helga & Ling. I could not get to the cottage on Saturday, I seem quite unable to get through things, and Heron’s absence, Miss Bell’s disappearance & Miss Johnson & Miss Ryley away gives too few workers at the Laboratory.’
Sent to
Maria Sharpe Pearson
20 May 1914
‘My dearest Wife,
I cannot write to you properly till Sunday. The impossibility of getting to my lecture last week end & the resulting rush has left me no time to do so and today when I have done practically nothing as Choo did not arrive & we were twice at Paddington & telegraphing & Soper[?] in one of his most horrible moods. I can’t understand yet why Miss Little did not send her, as I gave I thought very full instructions. I am glad you find the cottage nice. Give my love to Helga & Ling. I could not get to the cottage on Saturday, I seem quite unable to get through things, and Heron’s absence, Miss Bell’s disappearance & Miss Johnson & Miss Ryley away gives too few workers at the Laboratory.’