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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonDate: 21 May 1914
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
21 May 1914
‘My dearest wife,
As I shall not be able to write you a letter probably tomorrow & nothing stands in the way of it tonight, except a general tiredness & desire for the sofa and a novel or bed, here goes, at any rate for a few lines. The lecture will be a prior lecture, - I mean by that from my standpoint. I have said nothing new, only put 8 new slides to 50 old & a tag of Florence Nightingale at head & tail – the remainder mere old story to fill up. But, perhaps, further payment was not worth the material I got for it as the Liverpool data are very poor stuff & I don’t know that any use can be made of them. I hate wasting limited energy I have on what is not worth having!
Friend [Caleb] Saleeby seems to be pretty busy besides his book he has a paper in the supplement to the New Statesman, a paper in the Sociological Journal & a lecture at the Eugenics Education Society, all to the same point! – He of course quotes Francis Darwin to the effect that now such a close relative of Sir Francis has indicated that his theory of heredity was wrong we can have no hesitation in rejecting it. There is the usual slather about the grand old man, followed by the usual rejection of all that he taught! How well it fits in with Galton’s own expression: “I feel he is like a boa-constrictor slathering me before he swallows me.”
I hope Helga & you have had a good day & that Ling is behaving himself. Miss Jones will bring up Choo tomorrow. Tang is all right. My address at Liverpool will be
c/o Dr. Hope
15 Grove Park
But unless you had occasion to telegraph, write by preference home as I shall leave there before 9 on Saturday. Dear love to Helga.
Ever your own ,
Sent to
Maria Sharpe Pearson
21 May 1914
‘My dearest wife,
As I shall not be able to write you a letter probably tomorrow & nothing stands in the way of it tonight, except a general tiredness & desire for the sofa and a novel or bed, here goes, at any rate for a few lines. The lecture will be a prior lecture, - I mean by that from my standpoint. I have said nothing new, only put 8 new slides to 50 old & a tag of Florence Nightingale at head & tail – the remainder mere old story to fill up. But, perhaps, further payment was not worth the material I got for it as the Liverpool data are very poor stuff & I don’t know that any use can be made of them. I hate wasting limited energy I have on what is not worth having!
Friend [Caleb] Saleeby seems to be pretty busy besides his book he has a paper in the supplement to the New Statesman, a paper in the Sociological Journal & a lecture at the Eugenics Education Society, all to the same point! – He of course quotes Francis Darwin to the effect that now such a close relative of Sir Francis has indicated that his theory of heredity was wrong we can have no hesitation in rejecting it. There is the usual slather about the grand old man, followed by the usual rejection of all that he taught! How well it fits in with Galton’s own expression: “I feel he is like a boa-constrictor slathering me before he swallows me.”
I hope Helga & you have had a good day & that Ling is behaving himself. Miss Jones will bring up Choo tomorrow. Tang is all right. My address at Liverpool will be
c/o Dr. Hope
15 Grove Park
But unless you had occasion to telegraph, write by preference home as I shall leave there before 9 on Saturday. Dear love to Helga.
Ever your own ,