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- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 24 Apr 1919
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
24 Apr 1919
‘... Let me know if you make any progress with the muzzles. It seems more likely in town than Dorking, but I should like to fit before I leave here... No news so far of puppies. I hope S. is takin git leisurely[?].’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Apr 1919
‘... Let me know if you make any progress with the muzzles. It seems more likely in town than Dorking, but I should like to fit before I leave here... No news so far of puppies. I hope S. is takin git leisurely[?].’