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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 21 Mar 1930
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Ideal Homes Exhibition (Olympia, London) (1930)
Description:‘At Olympia, during the progress of the “Daily Mail” Ideal Home Exhibition, visitors innumerable will be given the opportunity of seeing in picturesque surroundings some of the more practical aspects of canine welfare, and of learning many useful things – that are not at present nearly as widely known or fully understood as they deserve to be – concerning the care of the dog, and the part that is played by this most faithful and intelligent four-legged companion and domestic pet in the proper realisation of the home ideal. Spillers’ fine stand, numbered 184 on the plan, and situated in the new hall, just inside the main entrance from Hammersmith Road, is certain to prove a powerful magnet for dog lovers during the run of the Exhibition. It will house one of the most comprehensive and remarkable exhibits to be to be seen on the whole of the vast buildings; and, further, Spillers’ imposing display will be the only show of the kind at Olympia. A novel and attractive feature of the stand will be the daily exhibition there of magnificent specimens of the dog kind. Champions of national and international repute will be in evidence, in company with dogs representative of many popular breeds, some of them boasting noble lineage, and others owning comparatively humble pedigree, but alike in their companionable characteristics and “doggy” appeal. Giant Great Danes will be seen appropriately kenneled or at exercise in the immediate neighbourhood of dogs of the medium, smaller and toy breeds. There will be big dogs, little dogs, and a host of diverting puppies, and during each day of the exhibition there will be different dogs to be seen and admired. Visitors to Spillers’ stand will be able to inspect at close quarters the entire range of Spillers’ celebrated dog foods and learn about the distinctive qualities of each separate product and their respective suitability for puppies and adult dogs of all ages and breeds. They will be able to examine – and appreciate the undoubted excellence that stamps every detail of their design and manufacture – a representative sample of Spillers’ kennels, appliances, and miscellaneous “doggy” requisites, and, after receiving a brief outline of the many benefits accruing from membership of Spillers’ Free Information Bureau, dog lovers who are not already members can be enrolled on the spot. Membership of this unique organisation is free to all who are interested in dogs or poultry. It entails not the lightest obligation on the member’s part, and, in addition to ensuring the constant availability of expert technical and practical advice furnished by a distinguished veterinary surgeon and an eminent poultry specialist, the fact of joining this splendidly equipped and organised bureau, one of the most useful links in the chain of Spillers’ world-wide service – automatically constitutes the member a registered reader of Spillers’ “Dog and Poultry Journal” a copy of which is posted free and post free to every member of the bureau immediately upon publication. Each new member who enrols at Spillers’ stand in Olympia will be presented with a handsomely inscribed certificate of membership.’
Quoted by
T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'In promotional articles, food manufacturers positioned themselves as responsible conveyers of nutritional wisdom to a presumably uninformed lay audience. Our Dogs again reported that visitors “at [London] Olympia… will be given the opportunity of … learning many useful things - that are notat present nearly as widely known or fully understood as they deserve to be - concerning the care of the dog, and the part that is played by this most faithful and intelligent four-legged companion and domestic pet in the proper realisation of the home ideal.” [note: '“The Dog’s Place in the Ideal Home,” Our Dogs, no. 78 (21 March 1930): 785. See also “Good News for Dog Owners,” Our Dogs, no. 85 (2 October 1931): 20; “Brighter Homes Exhibition: Pedigree Dog Section, City Hall, Manchester,” Our Dogs, no. 79 (9 May 1930): 319.']' (310-311)