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The Kennelmaids' College, (Ardross).
Description: 'The Leading Training Centre for Kennelmaids, Canine Nurses, and Prospective Kennel Owners, Incorporating four Distinct Kennels.
Complete Canine Education Posts Guaranteed on Proficiency
Principals: Mrs Beamish-Levey and Miss Jessie Templeton.
Ardross offers a sound and thorough training to the seriously minded girl or woman who wishes to take up dogs as a career, and a means of earning a living, by taking posts or establishing a business of her own. The college is the leading training centre for kennelmaids, and is the only one of its kind, combining, as it does, experience in four large kennels. Students (at very moderate inclusive fees) can avail themselves of the many opportunities offered, which include a constant demand for really competent kennelmaids. Close to London, 16 3/4 miles from Marble Arch, Ardross is in touch with everything up to the moment in dogs. Students over 21 are quite free out of kennel hours. Younger students must observe certain rules and regulations, as at any other educational establishment. The students' dining room is at Ardross, and all the students' meals are taken there.
The kennel staff consists of resident canine experts; veterinary specialists visit frequently. The domestic staff includes a School Matron, who is a fully qualified hospital nurse. Students must attend the lectures, but the training is based entirely on practical experience. Stripping and trimming are specialised in at the College, and the most particular attention is given to this important branch of the work. All London championship shows are attended. Good posts are guaranteed and found for all students; there is always a waiting list for kennelmaids and canine nurses trained at Ardross.
There is ample scope for recreation - tennis, golf, swimming - and an excellent riding school close at hand offers special cheap rates to Ardross students.
During the winter terms there are lessons in carpentering. Continental students have the facility of combining learning or perfecting the English language with the kennel education. A certified English teacher (B.A. of London University) is on the staff from whom they receive lessons after kennel hours.
Two new sections have recently been added - the puppy section for rearing stock under the best conditions all year round, and the hospital and isolation section, for those who desire to specialise in sick nursing.
"Ardross" Airedale kennel is the largest in the world exclusive to the breed; it exports worldwide, and contains the largest number of assembled championship show winners, bred from superlative ancestry and of individual perfection. There is always a good puppy (show or companion), or adult, to be had at a reasonable price. Visitors are always welcome. Dogs from Ardross are shown regularly, and are constant winners at championship and open shows.
Incorporated "Westrena" Wire Fox-terrier and Sealyam Kennel contains specimens of the best blood. Breeding, showing, and exporting first-class stock. Students are able to gain a complete knowledge of these two popular breeds.
Incorporated "Cumnoch" Kennel of Scottish Terriers, comprising first-class specimens of the breed of real Scottie temprament.
Incorporated "New Inn Farm" Kennel (Hotel for Dogs), one of the largest boarding kennels around London, with five acres of meadowland along the London Road, Staines, affords students a thorough knowledge of this branch of the business and a general knowledge of all breeds.
The Holiday Branch at Palais d'Azur, Juan Les Pins, conveniently situated on the Plage, by the shores of the Mediterranean, is ideal for a Riviera holiday. There is a large terrace facing the sea for sun bathing; physical culture, horse riding, swimming, and for experienced swimmers, boating, surf-riding, and sea ski-ing [sic]. Overseas students can visit the Riviera (accompanied by one of the principals) and attend the International shows on the Continent.
"Ardross" supplies the best kennels with kennelmaids, and the testimony of prominent London and provincial veterinary surgeons proves the reliability and trustworthiness of "Ardross" trained canine nurses.
Ashford, Middlesex is on the Windsor line, frequent electric train service (29 minutes) from Waterloo, and is easily accessible from town by road. The training and well-being of each individual student is carefully considered, so that her ultimate sucess and ability to earn her own living are assured. Diplomas are issued to students completing the full course of one year. Students, parents, and employers who have engaged kennelmaids from the College express themselves in terms of the highest satisfaction to the Principals, who will forward such references, further particulars, and illustrated prospectus on application.'