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Creators (Definite): Jared Cohen; Eric SchmidtDate: 2013
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Quoted by
C. Cadwalladr, 'Google, Democracy and the Truth about Internet Search', The Observer, Sunday, 4th Dec. 2016.
Description:'“The internet is among the few things that humans have built that they don’t understand.” It is “the largest experiment involving anarchy in history. Hundreds of millions of people are, each minute, creating and consuming an untold amount of digital content in an online world that is not truly bound by terrestrial laws.” The internet as a lawless anarchic state? A massive human experiment with no checks and balances and untold potential consequences? What kind of digital doom-mongerer would say such a thing? Step forward, Eric Schmidt – Google’s chairman. They are the first lines of the book, The New Digital Age, that he wrote with Jared Cohen.'