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Creators (Definite): Walter Holbrook Gaskell; The Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
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W.H. Gaskell, 'On the Structure, Distribution and Function of the Nerves which innervate the Visceral and Vascular Systems', Journal of Physiology 7 (1) (1886), pp. 1-80.
Description:Explanation of Plate II (figs. 6-10):
'All the figures in Pl. I. anid PI. II, with the exception of Fig. 10, were drawn to the same scale under the microscope by means of the camera lucida. The exact size of each nerve fibre can be estimated by comparison with the scale in Pl. II. All the figures in Pl. I. and Figs. 6, 7 in Pl. II. were made from preparations taken from the same large collie dog. Figs. 8, 9 were taken from another dog slightly larger than the collie.' (77)
'Fig. 6. Section of three anterior rootlets of the 9th spinal (1st thoracic) nerve.
Fig. 7. Section of three anterior rootlets of the 10th spinal (2nd thoracic) nerve.
Fig. 8. Section of the white ramus communicans (A) of the 11th spinal (3rd thoracic) nerve. Near it is a section of a small grey ramus communicans (B) belonging to the same spinal nerve. The non-medullated fibres as well as the connective tissue are tinged of a yellowish colour.
Fig. 9. Part of a section through the ramus communicans of the 26th spinal (3rd lumbar) nerve. This figure represents a typical grey ramus communicans. The non-medullated fibres of which it is chiefly composed are tinged yellow in the figure.
Fig. 10. Medullary roots of the vagus and accessory nerves as imbedded, in order to trace the accessory fibres through a series of sections up to the ganglion trunci vagi. The sections were cut parallel to line l.
Ac. Accessory nerve.
M. Piece of medulla oblong. imbedded with the nerve roots.
J. Position of ganglion jugulare vagi.
T. Position of ganglion trunci vagi.' (77-78)
Figs. 6-7 in text:
'In the anterior roots of the cervical nerves we find upon section of osmic preparations nerve fibres of varying sizes, see Pl. 1. Fig. 3, most of which are of large calibre, varying from 14.4 µ to 19 µ, or larger. Scattered in among these we find others of smaller size and here and there, not grouped together but isolated among the others, a few fine fibres which are never less than 3.6 µ, the commonest size for these, the smallest fibres to be found in these roots, being from 4.55 µ, to 5.4 µ. Such a description holds good for the anterior roots of the first 9 spinal nerves; the anterior root of the 10th nerve (2nd thoracic) is however markedly different... the anterior root of the 10th nerve differs from that of the 9th nerve (see Figs. 7, 6, Pl. II.) neither in the size nor arrangement of its largest nerve fibres but in the one fact that it containis something new, something which is wanting in the anterior roots of the preceding nerves, viz. bundles of finest medullated nerve fibres [note: 'Reissner (Op. cit.) notices this peculiarity of the anterior roots in the thoracic region, without however giving any explanation of it.'].' (6-7)
Figs. 8-9 in text:
'In Pl. II. Figs. 8, 9, I give a drawing of the white ramus communicans of the 11th nerve (3rd thoracic) together with a drawing of the ramus communicans (typical grey) of the 26th nerve (3rd lumbar).
In the first we see that almost all the fibres are medullated of the very finest size with a few larger medullated fibres and a small amount of non-medullated. In the 2nd almost all the fibres are non-medullated; a few large medullated are scattered here and there, no groups of fine medullated are to be found.' (8)
Fig. 10 in text:
'In Pl. IV. Fig. 7, I give a picture of a section of the spinal accessory just before it reaches the ganglion jugulare of the vagus. The roots of the medullary portion of the accessory and of the vagus were carefully hardened in situ with osmic acid, the whole with a portion of the medulla oblongata removed, imbedded in paraffin, and "ribbons" of consecutive sections made through the whole of the nerve roots from the medulla oblongata up to and beyond the ganglion trunci vagi. The whole series of sections was mounted in order, every nerve fibre was well stained and remained on the slide in the exact position it occupied when imbedded. In Pl. II. Fig. 10, the arrangement of the fibres when imbedded is reproduced.' (10)