- Creation
Creator (Definite): Walter Bendix Schönflies BenjaminDate: From 1927 to 1934
- Current Holder(s)
Full title:
Benjamin, W. 'Experience and Poverty', in Jennings, M.J., Eiland, H. and Smith, G. eds. Selected Writings: Vol. 2 (1927-1934) (Cambridge, University Press; 1999), pp. 731-736.
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Quoted by
Brita Brenna, 'The Frames of Specimens: Glass Cases in Bergen Museum Around 1900', in Liv Emma Thorsen, et. al. (eds), Animals on Display: the Creaturely in Museums, Zoos, and Natural History. 2013. pp. 37-57.
Description:'"Glass is, in general, the enemy of secrets" - Walter Benjamin.' (37)
'In his essay "Experience and Poverty," Walter Benjamin writes of Glass that it is "such a hard, smooth material to which nothing can be fixed." It is a material on which there can be left no traces, according to him. Trying to focus my gaze on the glass cases in Bergen, Benjamin's description seems perfectly valid.' (53)
'"Glass is, in general, the enemy of secrets," Benjamin wrote, continuing, "it is also the enemy of possession."' (54)