- Creation
Creator (Possible): John Peter BergerDate: 1980
- Current Holder(s)
Berger, J. About Looking. (Pantheon: New York, 1980).
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Quoted by
A. Dodd et. al., 'Introduction', in L.E. Thorsen, et. al. (eds), Animals on Display: the Creaturely in Museums, Zoos, and Natural History. 2013. pp. 1-11.
Description:'Two decades ago [sic], John Berger condescendingly declared all such [curated] modes of envisioning animals to be "compensatory," reflecting how marginalized animal lives have become in late capitalist societies.' (1)
'Although it may seem, Berger famously observed, that "in the last two centuries, animals have gradually disappeared," we suggest that human-animal relationships have continued to become increasingly complex, in ways that are not always attributable to the so-called disappearance of animals.' (3)
Quoted by
Brita Brenna, 'The Frames of Specimens: Glass Cases in Bergen Museum Around 1900', in Liv Emma Thorsen, et. al. (eds), Animals on Display: the Creaturely in Museums, Zoos, and Natural History. 2013. pp. 37-57.
'Man becomes aware of himself returning the look [of the animal]," John Berger wrote.'