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Sent From (Definite): High Commission of the United Kingdom (New Delhi)Sent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: 13 Jun 1955
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NB: Telegram
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Sent from
High Commission of the United Kingdom (New Delhi)
13 Jun 1955
Your telegram No. 1220 and Simmons' letter of 9th June to Cross.
Ministry of Commerce state that while it would be convenient for them to have a single firm handle United Kingdom requirements they would not insist on this if we wished licenses to be issued to three or four firms. They are, however, very anxious that exporters should be medical firms or air transport companies acting on their behalf. They do not repeat not wish Patterson or similar trader to act as agent if it can be avoided.
We have not yet been able to confirm from Americans here that United States National Polio Foundation have appointed Patterson as their sole agent. If they have, this would appear to be contrary to desires of Ministry of Commerce.
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
13 Jun 1955
Your telegram No. 1220 and Simmons' letter of 9th June to Cross.
Ministry of Commerce state that while it would be convenient for them to have a single firm handle United Kingdom requirements they would not insist on this if we wished licenses to be issued to three or four firms. They are, however, very anxious that exporters should be medical firms or air transport companies acting on their behalf. They do not repeat not wish Patterson or similar trader to act as agent if it can be avoided.
We have not yet been able to confirm from Americans here that United States National Polio Foundation have appointed Patterson as their sole agent. If they have, this would appear to be contrary to desires of Ministry of Commerce.