Question Analysis – Difficulty/Facility and Discrimination


This is simply a measure of the proportion of students that answered a question correctly and has a value of between 0 and 1. It is calculated by taking the sum of the actual marks for each candidate and dividing it by (the maximum multiplied by the number of candidates).

It is often referred to as difficulty, but should probably be known as facility, as a value of 0 means that no-one answered the question correctly, and a value of 1 means that everyone answered the question correctly.

General wisdom seems to be that questions with facility values of around the pass mark for the assessment (e.g. pass mark = 70%, facility = 0.7) will give the most most useful information about the candidates.


The purpose of item discrimination is to identify whether good students perform better, worse or the same as poor students on a question. Based on Kelley (1939), good and poor students are defined by taking the top and bottom 27% based on overall assessment mark.

Discrimination for a particular answer option is then calculated by subtracting the fraction of the bottom group who gave the answer from the fraction of the top group who gave the answer. So:

  • A positive item discrimination means a higher proportion of people in the top group chose the answer than in the bottom group. A high positive value for the correct answer generally means the question is a good discriminator, which is what we want (but is very difficult to achieve!). A positive discrimination for an incorrect answer may suggest an issue, but could equally just mean that it is a good distractor.
  • An item discrimination of 0 means the same number of people from each group gave the answer, so the answer doesn’t discriminate at all. Questions where everyone got the correct answer will always have a discrimination of 0.
  • A negative item discrimination means a higher proportion of people in the bottom group chose the answer. This would be expected for an incorrect answer. A negative discrimination on a correct answer may indicate something is wrong, as more able students are choosing an incorrect answer.

To make a question a good discriminator, the correct answer should have a high positive discrimination, and the incorrect answers should have a negative discrimination.

Reporting in Rogo

Currently, reporting in Rogo is only assessment-based. The following reports are available:

  • Class Totals (available as HTML, CSV or Excel) – scores for individuals
  • Frequency & Discrimination (U-L) Analysis (HTML only) – item analysis with frequencies, item difficulty and discrimination value
  • Export responses as CSV file – question by question responses
  • Export marks as CSV file – question by question marks

Class Totals

Example of Class Totals output
Example of Class Totals output (click to view full size)

The class totals output, which is available as HTML, CSV of Excel formats, shows individual results for students who have taken the paper. The table of results has the following headers:

  • Name
  • Student ID
  • Course
  • Mark
  • Percentage
  • Classification (Pass, Fail etc)
  • Start Time
  • Duration
  • IP Address
  • Room
  • Extra

It also produces a histogram for the percentage marks, and a scatter plot of percentage against duration (time taken). Summary statistics, including measures of central tendency, standard deviation and percentiles are also produced.

Frequency & Discrimination (U-L) Analysis

Example of Item Analysis Output
Example of Item Analysis Output (click to view full size)

This analysis is produced on an item by item basis, and is only available in HTML format. It shows the percentage of total respondents who chose each option, as well as the percentage of respondents from the top and bottom groups (the top and bottom 27%, based on overall assessment mark) who chose the correct option.

The p-value, or ‘difficulty’ (actually facility, as 0 = no-one answered the item correctly and 1 = everyone answered the item correctly), is shown, as is the discrimination, d. See the Question Analysis – Difficulty/Facility and Discrimination post for more on this.

At the moment it is not possible to obtain aggregated statistics about a question that has been used in multiple exams. However, the Rogo team have said that this is something that they are looking at for the future.

Export responses/marks as CSV file

The responses export provides a CSV (comma-separated values) file showing the response that each candidate gave,  as a number that corresponds to the option numbers in the question editor (for EMQs/MCQs). It also gives the correct answer for each question/item.

The marks export does the same, but giving the candidate’s mark for each question/item.

Other Reports

It is also possible to output a “Learning Objective Analysis” report, but we have not looked into this yet, as we have not mapped any assessments/questions to learning objectives.

There are also reports available called “Internal Peer Review” and “External Examiners”, but these, I presume, relate to comments/analysis produced during the process of creating the assessment, rather than to student results/question performance.

The final ‘ō’ in Rogō

The final ‘ō’ in Rogō is an ‘o’ with a macron, which has numerical code 333 (ō for HTML) and HEX code 014D. This seems to cause some problems, as not all text editors are able to read/save the character, e.g. WinSCP’s internal editor, or are not, by default, set up with the correct encoding to read/save it, e.g. Eclipse. As a result, having edited files, we were finding that the titles of pages, for example, contained the ‘Å’ character instead.

We feel that it is perhaps unnecessary to use this special character, and it might be easier to just use a standard ‘o’ instead. However, in order to ensure the ‘ō’ is retained, it was necessary to take the following steps in the editors we use:

  • Eclipse (which gives a warning when trying to save a file that contains characters in cannot encode) – go to Window > Preferences > General >  Workspace and in the “Text file encoding” section, change the setting from the Default (Cp1252) to UTF-8.
  • WinSCP – rather than changing the encoding settings of the internal editor (which doesn’t seem to be possible), I changed the editor that is used to Notepad++, which has many other advantages over the internal editor.

However, there was still a problem with any ‘ō’ contained within the database, e.g. the contents of the help files. Initially, the database would not let me store the ‘ō’ character. This was fixed by changing the Collation from latin_swedish_ci (which it must have defaulted to) to utf8_unicode_ci. The ‘ō’ character can then be saved in the database, but the browsers I have tested it on (IE9, Firefox, Chrome) display the ‘ō’ as a question mark (only for ‘ō’s read from the database though, not ‘static’ ones in HTML files). The only way to get this to render properly in the pages is to replace the character with the html code ō or ō. Therefore, we could go through the SQL files for the help pages (in the install folder) and do a find/replace on all of the ‘ō’ characters, then replace the contents of the help tables.

However, this all seems a bit unnecessary just to get ‘ō’ rather than ‘o’, so we have suggested the on the Rogo mail list that we could drop the ‘ō’ when using it in text, and just use ‘o’.


A minor change to the assessment delivery page

For EMQs in Perception, we ‘manually’ (using our Question Maker) number the question stems with Roman numerals – (i), (ii) etc – and letter the answer options – A, B, C etc. However, in Rogo, the stems are automatically lettered by default. Therefore, having imported questions from Perception into Rogo, the stems had both letters and Roman numerals, e.g. A. (i) The first stem.

To fix this, the options were to change all of our questions when we imported them, or to remove the automatic stem lettering in Rogo. The former would be a prohibitively large amount of work, so thankfully the latter is merely a case of changing one CSS property in the paper/start.php file, line 370. The “list-style-type:upper-alpha” property of “.extmatch li” was changed to “list-style-type:none” to remove the item-marker. There are many possible values for this property – see

Thoughts on Rogo Delivery

The Rogo delivery system seems to be robust and, unlike the admin interface, free from bugs. It also seems fast, and initial load-testing has shown it to be capable of putting up with a reasonable number of students starting or finishing an assessment at the same time, although we have not tested this in a live environment. This is despite us running the system on a single, reasonably-spec’d, but not especially new, server.

One handy feature in the Rogo delivery system, that Perception does not have, is the Fire Alarm button – see

However, there are a number of things that are missing, compared with Perception: Auto-save, timed assessments, secure browser.


Rogo is not able to auto-save assessments, e.g. every 5 minutes. It does save when a user moves to another screen (and when the fire alarm button is clicked) but since we prefer to run our exams as a single, scrollable screen containing all of the questions, this is not particularly helpful. However, since the functions are there for saving the current status of an exam while the exam is continuing, it would proably not be a big step to write an AJAX-based auto-save function.

Timed Assessments

Assessments in Rogo are never timed and so do not autosubmit when the time is up. The assessments we have run in Perception have traditionally been timed, so that each user’s time only begins when they enter the assessment page, and the assessment automatically submits when their time runs out. There is also a timer on the page, so the student can see exactly how much time they have left, as this would not be the same for all students. However, we have recently been leaning increasingly towards running untimed assessments, mainly due to the problems of disaster recovery with a timed assessment. For example, if a fire alarm were to go off, it would not be possible to pause the timer and allow students to carry on from where they left off. Therefore, the lack of timed assessments is unlikely to be a major issue, as we were heading in this direction anyway. Nonetheless, it would be good to have the option!

Secure Browser

Unlike Perception, Rogo does not have built in secure browser support. However, there are free secure browsers out there that can be used instead, e.g. Safe Exam Browser – We might cover this more fully at a later date when we’ve done more testing with it. Update: Now covered in this post

Importing Multiple Users in Rogo

Rogo enables the import of multiple users from a CSV file.

The are a number of required fields, although the order of the fields is flexible. The import does not worry about the case of the field headings, and can accept alternatives for each, as shown below:

  • Student ID: student_id, id
  • Forename(s): first names, forenames
  • Surname: surname, family name
  • Title: title
  • Course Code: course code, course
  • Year of Study: year of study, year of course (1, 2, 3 etc, not actual year, which is held in session)
  • Email Address: email, local email

It is also possible to specify a username for each student. If no username is given, the system will take everything before the @ in the email as the student’s username. A Module and Session (e.g. 2011/12) can also be specified – both are needed for this to be added. Module needs to be the module ID, e.g. OrgBod.

The Student ID does not refer to the student’s username or their database ID (an incremental digit), but a student ID held in a separate table in the database, which does not have to be unique.

Importing a user with the same username as a user that is already in the database will result in that user being overwritten.

There is no way of specifying a password for a user. All passwords are generated randomly and then hashed. This means there is also no way of finding out a user’s password. The only way to define a password for a user is to click “Reset” from the User File, which sends the user an email that they can then click on to set their password. This makes sense from a security point of view, but it is important for us to be able to see user’s passwords (something that is possible in Perception), so that we can log them in if they have forgotten their password, and can test multiple users with defined passwords.

In order to enable defining of passwords in user import, the following was added to

Line 117:

    //JHM 2012-04-13: Enable passwords to be imported by csv
if (isset($header['password']) && $fields[$header['password']] != "") {	//Check that we have a password header, and the password is not blank for this user
    $password = $fields[$header['password']];
} else {
    $password = PasswordUtils::gen_password();	//No password was provided, so generate a random one

Line 137, comment out:

//$password = PasswordUtils::gen_password();	//JHM 2012-04-13: Password now obtained from csv or generated above (line 118)

From looking in the database, this was changing the value of the password for a user, but still did not allow the user to login using the given password. It emerged that this was because the passwords were being doubly encrypted, first in and then in UserUtils::createUser (userutils.class.php line 50). Therefore, I changed lines 137-139 of to:

//$password = PasswordUtils::gen_password();	//JHM 2012-04-13: Password now obtained from csv or generated above (line 118)
//$encpw_password = PasswordUtils::encpw($username, $password);	//JHM 2012-04-13: Password encrypted in createUser below
$encpw_password = $password;	//JHM 2012-04-13: Password encrypted in createUser below, so use plain password

This then worked fine for new user imports, but not for importing users over the top of old users. This required changes to lines 153 onwards in

$encpw_password = PasswordUtils::encpw($username, $password);	//JHM 2012-04-13: Encrypt password for updating

//JHM 2012-04-13: Added password - 'ssssss' refers to var types, so add extra s to get it to work
$result = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE users SET yearofstudy=?, title=?, first_names=?, surname=?, grade=?, password=? WHERE username=?");
$result->bind_param('sssssss', $year, $title, $forname, $surname, $course, $encpw_password, $username);

This now seems to work. This issue has been submitted to the Trac system – ticket #701,

We have also made a request for the import to flag up potential problems with header names, and/or enabling users to tell Rogo which headers it should expect, so it can report back if it failed to find any of these. Trac ticket #700 –

A few things that Rogo does better than Perception

Having been tied to Perception for many years, it is refreshing to be able to test out Rogo, which, although still in it’s infancy, has the potential to be a viable alternative. While we have come across some issues, there are also a good number of things that it does better than Perception (and I expect there are plenty more to come):

  1. Quicker, simpler, less clunky, more intuitive – Rogo just feels like a nicer, less 90’s system to work with
  2. Version history for questions – it will be extremely useful to be able to look back at how a question has changed and developed. In Perception, we use a complex system of question naming to keep track of major versions of a question, but this is far from ideal.
  3. Drag and drop question ordering
  4. Easy duplication of exams, with options to copy the questions or just link to the same set of questions
  5. Fire Alarm/Exit button in exam mode – students can click this button to if there is a fire alarm or other problem during an exam and it basically just shows a blank screen, so that students can be stopped and started together, without anyone seeing anyone else’s screen while they leave the room, or benefiting from seeing the exam for an extra amount of time. Assessments are not timed, and do not auto-submit, so this is not used to stop the timer.
  6. Flexible feedback settings

Perhaps the most important benefit of Rogo though is that it is OSS (Open Source Software) and written in PHP, which is where our skills primarily lie. Therefore, when there are things that don’t work as we would like, we can change them. Whereas with Perception, we generally just have to live with them and pay for the pleasure!

Experimenting with Rogo

My usual role in working with assessment software is inputting questions and creating assessments, so my thoughts are going to reflect this.

Obviously, with any new piece of software there’s a few howls of “Why won’t it do this???” “How on earth do I do that?”  I just have to say to myself … this too will pass.  And Rogo seems to be – so far – a very intuitive system.

What I’m more concerned about is things that will slow my workflow, and I’ve hit a couple – one which resolved itself, and one which hasn’t yet …

1) The automatic numbering system works against the one that we have established over the last five years.

Rogo has the pattern of numbering question stems A, B, C, D etc and numbering options 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

Our existing system numbers stems (i), (ii), (iii) etc and options A, B, C, D etc. Numerals are used on diagrams (as in “What is the shaded area at 3?”)

I’m not saying that our system is perfect but … it works. And more importantly, we have upwards of five thousand questions configured in that way.

It seems that we CAN turn off the numbers on options, but we haven’t yet found out if we can take off letters on stems.

2) In the past, to support students who need to take the exam in a paper-based form, and as a back-up in case the system goes down, we have evolved a template to do this.  It’s a one click, load the template process; it automatically adds page breaks and replaces dropdown lists with paper-friendly boxes.  Are we going to be able to do this in Rogo?  Or will I go back to the pre-template system of making the changes to the html manually in Dreamweaver?

A third problem resolved itself beautifully … I regularly create a crib sheet with the correct answers for examiners to use to check the paper.  In Perception, you need something in the answer boxes before it will share the answers with you (because of the way we have set up the system.  I therefore have a little tool in Firefox that automatically fills in forms, and I was most disappointed that it didn’t work in Rogo – until Jon showed me that simply submitting the paper gave me a full set of answers – which is MUCH easier.

I should add that by the time 8it reaches the students, they will not be in this happy position …


Rogo Install – directory permissions

For Rogo install, we had to give the Apache user permissions to write to various directories (

  • /help/staff/images
  • /help/student/images
  • /media
  • /temp
  • /qti/imports (not in Wiki at the time)
  • /qti/exports (not in Wiki at the time)
  • /config (only for install to allow to be written. Not on Wiki at the time)

To find out the user/user ID and group/group ID for the Apache user, I did the following:

  • In Putty, “ps aux | grep apache” to find out username of Apache user (wwwrun)
  • Looked in etc/passwd to find out user ID (30) and group ID (8) – wwwrun:x:30:8:WWW daemon apache:/var/lib/wwwrun:/bin/false
  • Checked group/group ID in etc/group
  • In WinSCP, changed permissions, giving the above user/group info: user = wwwrun [30], group = www [8]. Gave this user permission over the whole help directory.

Rogo install problems

On trying to install Rogo 4.2 for the first time, we came across the following issues.

On going to /install/index.php, all we saw was two errors, 103 and 104, with no explanation. On looking in the code we saw that these were caused by the /qti/imports and /qti/exports directories not being writeable by the Apache user. These weren’t mentioned in the File System Permissions page on the wiki (, but are now.

Having made these writeable, the install page then displayed input boxes, but without any labels. We realised this (and the lack of text for the errors above) was probably caused by the language file not being loaded properly. After a bit of debugging we discovered that in line 53 of classes/lang.class.php, the str_replace function was replacing the slashes in $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’], as $cfg_root_path is just “/” (as it would be for any installation in the webroot directory). I would guess the purpose of this str_replace is to remove the top level directory from $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] for installations that are in a subdirectory of the webroot? Removing the str_replace function works for a webroot installation, but I’ve suggested a more complete solution below (though the if condition might need to be more rigorous). Another thing to note is that $cfg_web_root already has a “/” after it (as defined in install/index.php, line 45), and another slash is added in classes/lang.class.php, line 53 – I’ve changed that too below

Modified code (classes/lang.class.php, line 53):

if($cfg_root_path !== "/") {
     $self_path = str_replace($cfg_root_path, '', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
else {
     $self_path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$lang_path = $cfg_web_root . "lang/$language" . $self_path;

Once this was fixed, it was possible to complete the form with the necessary data for installation. However, the install still failed as it was not able to write the /config/ file, as the /config file was not writeable by the Apache user. Having changed this (and deleted the database tables which had already been created), the install was attempted again and worked successfully.

Added to Trac, Ticket #680 –