- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 3 May 1920
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Maria Sharpe Pearson
3 May 1920
Description:‘Dearest Karl,...
Meg took a really good supper of g & oats after you left, & about 11 a.m. ¾ saucer of raw milk for vitamines [sic]. Then at 3 p.m. when I went in she was stretched on her side full length with the puppy working for all it was worth, & a tremendous noise, hands [sic] & mouth going. Nothing would induce her to come [away?] in any way from herself to eat her beef dinner. Now 4p.m. both are curled up asleep , so I suppose they know best & are having a good rest. If it stops raining I must rouse her & take her in the garden. No effect of pill yet. Dr Ferdinand & 4 little dogs called this morning (I did not see him) & left the Brit. Med. Journal for you which I forwarded.
I hope they like the flowers at the Labty.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
3 May 1920
Description:‘Dearest Karl,...
Meg took a really good supper of g & oats after you left, & about 11 a.m. ¾ saucer of raw milk for vitamines [sic]. Then at 3 p.m. when I went in she was stretched on her side full length with the puppy working for all it was worth, & a tremendous noise, hands [sic] & mouth going. Nothing would induce her to come [away?] in any way from herself to eat her beef dinner. Now 4p.m. both are curled up asleep , so I suppose they know best & are having a good rest. If it stops raining I must rouse her & take her in the garden. No effect of pill yet. Dr Ferdinand & 4 little dogs called this morning (I did not see him) & left the Brit. Med. Journal for you which I forwarded.
I hope they like the flowers at the Labty.’