- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): J.R. Moore SimpsonSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 17 Sep 1929
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
J.R. Moore Simpson
17 Sep 1929
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
I am enclosing some quarter scale details of the new Animal House & I would like to draw your attention to the following points:
... [re: W.C.s] ...
A metal ventilating shaft with extracting caul[?] will be carried up the architecture building [sic] with a branch duct at first floor ceiling to the kitchen finishing with a hood over the cooker.
We can obtain approximately 30 feet [more?] of shelving round the room for mice in one tier. I shall be glad to know if one tier will be sufficient. I have shown the shelving 11” wide.
For the dogs pens I have shown a glazed brick division between the pens 3’.6” high and I suggest forming the parts with vertical iron bars (galvanized) carried on horizontal bars at top & bottom. I do not know if you would prefer to have a glazed brick part to the pens with solid sheet iron doors, the disadvantage of this arrangement would be that the floor would have to be laid to [fall?] towards the door & drain into the channel under the door. I have shown the doors hinged because if they were sliding it would be necessary to have a horizontal guide 3’.6” from the floor across the opening which would make access to the pens for cleaning rather difficult.
The channel in the floor will be formed with the floor in asphalte [sic] & will be carried through certain pens into a metal cover over. I do not see any other satisfactory way of dealing with the channel without losing considerable floor space.
I have shown the position & sizes of the sinks on plan & should like to know how many of these would receive hot water laid on as well as cold, I suggest the kitchen sink & the large one on the ground floor would probably be sufficient.
Yours sincerely,
J.R. Moore Simpson.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
17 Sep 1929
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
I am enclosing some quarter scale details of the new Animal House & I would like to draw your attention to the following points:
... [re: W.C.s] ...
A metal ventilating shaft with extracting caul[?] will be carried up the architecture building [sic] with a branch duct at first floor ceiling to the kitchen finishing with a hood over the cooker.
We can obtain approximately 30 feet [more?] of shelving round the room for mice in one tier. I shall be glad to know if one tier will be sufficient. I have shown the shelving 11” wide.
For the dogs pens I have shown a glazed brick division between the pens 3’.6” high and I suggest forming the parts with vertical iron bars (galvanized) carried on horizontal bars at top & bottom. I do not know if you would prefer to have a glazed brick part to the pens with solid sheet iron doors, the disadvantage of this arrangement would be that the floor would have to be laid to [fall?] towards the door & drain into the channel under the door. I have shown the doors hinged because if they were sliding it would be necessary to have a horizontal guide 3’.6” from the floor across the opening which would make access to the pens for cleaning rather difficult.
The channel in the floor will be formed with the floor in asphalte [sic] & will be carried through certain pens into a metal cover over. I do not see any other satisfactory way of dealing with the channel without losing considerable floor space.
I have shown the position & sizes of the sinks on plan & should like to know how many of these would receive hot water laid on as well as cold, I suggest the kitchen sink & the large one on the ground floor would probably be sufficient.
Yours sincerely,
J.R. Moore Simpson.’