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K. Pearson, Albinism in Dogs & Men [1913] [Lecture on Albinism A]
Description:'There is every grade of pigmentation from a markedly loaded anterior surface to one passed as without anterior pigment in which a few granules will probably be discernable with the microscope. Just as the Mendelian category – absence of pigment – fails with eye, so it fails with coat. Marked aberrations are rare, but albinism does not breed true, if by that is meant its absolute like. Jack & Jill have given us very white coated dogs like Patty, but they have also given us cream coloured albinos, down to brown – look at the coats exhibited – and in one rare instance, they gave us Fe a piebald with imperfectly albinotic eyes. In the above I am speaking of pure-bred albinos, but with extracted albinos I get wider deviations, and have almost established a chocolate albino.' (f. 8)