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H.N.B., 'The Wages and Hours of Kennelmaids and Kennelmen', Our Dogs 92 (28th July 1933), p. 269.
Description:'Sir,- Your correspondent, H.N.B., writing on the subject of a kennelmaids’ union, may have forgotten (or possibly does not know) that about three years ago there was a most interesting correspondence in your columns on the virtues and vices of both kennel-owners and kennelmaids, both parties airing their grievances in a most intriguing set of letters. (I remember I was quite disappointed when you closed the subject). As a result of that publicity a kennelmaids’ club was inaugurated, I believe by the secretary of the L.K.A. Whether it is still in existence I do not know, but this lady would doubtless tell H.N.B. if the latter wrote to her.’
Relevant passage from H.N.B. to Our Dogs:
‘Sir,- Can you or any reader kindly enlighten me as to whether there is in existence any Union or Society to which kennelmaids or kennelmen may belong, as they appear to be unprotected against long hours and low wages?
Do you not consider that 12s. 6d. weekly (which seems to be the average wage of kennelmaids) is altogether out of proportion to the hours of work put in, often as many as 12 and 14 a day, and also the responsibility entailed in the care of valuable dogs?
As I am particularly a sufferer in these respects I am naturally anxious to know whether such a body exists, and if not, is it not time that some brave person in an authoritative position, took up the matter and endeavoured to remedy the abuses of what is now acknowledged to be an honourable and skilled profession?’