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A Lover of Dogs and Fair Play to Our Dogs, 'The Training of Kennelmaids', Our Dogs 111 (27th May 1938), p. 684.
Description:'Sir,- May I heartily endorse the letter published in your issue of May 27, written by “A Lover of Dogs and of Fair Play.” I have myself experienced the same conditions as the daughter of your correspondent, and think it is high time that a union of some sort was formed.'
Kennel Helpers' Club
Description:‘Sir,- May I heartily endorse the letter published in your issue of May 27, written by “A Lover of Dogs and of Fair Play.” I have myself experienced the same conditions as the daughter of your correspondent, and think it is high time that a union of some sort was formed.
Of course, every kennelmaid realises that kennel-work is not a “start at nine and finish at five” job, but surely we are entitled to a little time to ourselves. In a recent kennel that I was in I was able to sit down in the evenings from about 7.45 to 8.45!
I will not waste valuable space by describing other conditions that I have seen, as I am sure that other girls are fully aware and acquainted with them.
However, if such things are to be stopped once and for all, we must rise in a body, and not sit grumbling (not that we have the chance to sit!). I can suggest nothing better than every kennelmaid joining the Kennel Helpers’ Club, which is a club for kennelmaids and canine nurses. It is at present very small, and is awaiting for more members before it can act. So hurry up and join, all those who are dissatisfied!'
Cited by
Edward Johnson to Our Dogs, 'The Training of Kennelmaids', Our Dogs 111 (10th June 1938), p. 847.
Description:‘Sir,- Every prospective kennelmaid should read the sound, informative letter from “Canis” in your issue of June 3, which makes common-sense. I am quite in agreement, too, with “Kennelmaid” who writes in the same issue and says all dissatisfied kennelmaids should not sit grumbling but should rise as a body but should join a certain club (which is waiting for members before it can act).'