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Bureau of Animal Industry (U.S. Department of Agriculture).
Description:'Recent developments in the commercial preparation of dog food, cat food, and similar products have caused the Bureau of Animal Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, to modify its regulations pertaining to these products. The new requirements provide for the withdrawal of the familiar meat-inspection stamp from containers of dog food and similar products. It provides, however, that containers of such products may bear the statement "The meat or meat byproduct ingredient of this article has been examined and passed under Federal supervision. This article has been prepared in an establishment operating under Federal meat inspection."
The regulation, now in effect, also provides that the regular meat-inspection legend as used on food intended for human consumption may not be used on foods designated as being intended for dogs, cats, foxes, and similar animals. Thus the inspection legend "U.S. Inspected and Passed by the Department of Agriculture" is reserved exclusively for foods intended for human consumption.
The essential purpose of the new amendment is to inform the public that the meat ingredient has been inspected and passed but that the inspection has not included various other ingredients with which the meat has been combined.
The amendment further provides that when dog food or like articles are prepared in a part of a federally inspected establishment, its sanitation shall receive the same supervision as other parts of the establishment.' (4)