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Creator (Definite): Medicus (Our Dogs contributor)Date: 6 Dec 1935
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Edward Mellanby
Description:'It was pointed out some time ago - I think by Professor Mellanby - that if a bitch's food is deficient in Vitamin "D"and in Vitamin "A" and "E," the puppies will suffer both before and after birth, becaues before birth the essential properties required for the building-up of strong healthy offspring will be wanting, whilst after birth the milk produced will not be equal to the demands placed upon it.' (773)
Cited by
Medicus, 'Notes for Novices: Vitamins', Our Dogs 102 (10th Jan. 1936), pp. 102-3.
Description:'Since my recent notes hereon were published, I have had an avalanche of thanks, of criticism, and of questions upon this subject [vitamins] that shows how important it is and how widespread is the thirst for more knowledge about these food "virtues" (if I may cpin my own words for describing them).' (102)