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Cited by
E. Leuty Collins and Mrs. Victor Campbell, How to Save Our Dogs (London: Gray's Inn Press, c.1914).
Description:'Praise from the Press:
From the Court Journal:- At the residence of Lady Donegal, in Rutland Court, London, a meeting of those interested in the Canine Nurses' Insttute was held. Mrs. Vallance, who breeds Poms, and is an active memeber of the Ladies' Kennel Association, was in the chair, and spoke of Mrs. Leuty Collins's hard work on behalf of the Institute. The premier award was a Gold Medal given in memory of his late Majesty King Edward VII., and was the gift of Miss Mackenzie. Nurse. --- was the winner of the medal, and Nurse --- took a silver medal given by Miss Macpherson. Several certificates were also given."' (87)