- Inception
Date: 1890
- Dissolution
Date: 1920
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Cited by
E. Leuty Collins and Mrs. Victor Campbell, How to Save Our Dogs (London: Gray's Inn Press, c.1914).
Description:'Praise from the Press:
From the Daily Chronicle.- "Natuall y there is a very strong humanitarian spirit at the back of this idea of 'Canine Nurses.' If a favourite dog is taken ill the owner may not be able to nurse it itself, or may not know how; servants, as a rule, are not to be entirely relied on for the care of animals, so the owner would often by very glad to engage a nurse who would carry out all the directions of the veterinary surgeon. She would keep the dog in her room, look after it at night, prepare its food, give it the necessary exercise, and in every way care for it until its health was restored."' (86)