- Creation
Creator (Definite): J.F. JocelynDate: 27 Mar 0050
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Albert E. Hambledon
Description:'Name of Disabled Person - Mr. A.E. Hambledon, 262 Willesden Lane, N.W.2. Married. Age 42. 1 child.
Nature of Disablement - Paraplegic case. Return home from Gt. Missenden.
At the request of the Willesdon D.R.O. I visited the above-named applicant at his home today, 25.3.50.
My firm opinion would support the contention of the D.R.O. that the person is defiitely Home-bound owing to his serious disability, needing proctically constant attention due to bowel weakness and general weakness.
The applicant has been provided with a wheel chair and motor car from the Ministry of Pensions, but at the present time is very weak and has to be assisted in and out of vehicles.
The main object of my visit was to confirm the suitability of the claimant for certain kinds of work. He has ideas of undertaking metal work utilising garage premises adjacent to his home.
The applicant states that he is a skilled wood and metal coach body maker and formerly has worked for Messrs Rootes, Strachan and other similar employers. He also says he has a knowledge of welding.
Gas welding would obviously be out of the question due to having to handle the air to gas cylinder acid in this type of welding. He possibly could undertake a limited amount of electric welding also small sheet metal work.
He also considers that a number of his former employers would be prepared to assist him by poviding suitable work.
For information of D.O. it is possible that the applicant will be making an application for a resettlement grant.'